Source code for wsgidav.http_authenticator

# (c) 2009-2024 Martin Wendt and contributors; see WsgiDAV
# Original PyFileServer (c) 2005 Ho Chun Wei.
# Licensed under the MIT license:
WSGI middleware for HTTP basic and digest authentication.


   from http_authenticator import HTTPAuthenticator

   WSGIApp = HTTPAuthenticator(ProtectedWSGIApp, domain_controller, accept_basic,
                               accept_digest, default_to_digest)

     ProtectedWSGIApp is the application requiring authenticated access

     domain_controller is a domain controller object meeting specific
     requirements (below)

     accept_basic is a boolean indicating whether to accept requests using
     the basic authentication scheme (default = True)

     accept_digest is a boolean indicating whether to accept requests using
     the digest authentication scheme (default = True)

     default_to_digest is a boolean. if True, an unauthenticated request will
     be sent a digest authentication required response, else the unauthenticated
     request will be sent a basic authentication required response
     (default = True)

The HTTPAuthenticator will put the following authenticated information in the
environ dictionary::

   environ["wsgidav.auth.realm"] = realm name
   environ["wsgidav.auth.user_name"] = user_name
   environ["wsgidav.auth.roles"] = <tuple> (optional)
   environ["wsgidav.auth.permissions"] = <tuple> (optional)

**Domain Controllers**

The HTTP basic and digest authentication schemes are based on the following

Each requested relative URI can be resolved to a realm for authentication,
for example:
/fac_eng/courses/ee5903/timetable.pdf -> might resolve to realm 'Engineering General'
/fac_eng/examsolns/ee5903/thisyearssolns.pdf -> might resolve to realm 'Engineering Lecturers'
/med_sci/courses/m500/surgery.htm -> might resolve to realm 'Medical Sciences General'
and each realm would have a set of user_name and password pairs that would
allow access to the resource.

A domain controller provides this information to the HTTPAuthenticator.
This allows developers to write their own domain controllers, that might,
for example, interface with their own user database.

for simple applications, a SimpleDomainController is provided that will take
in a single realm name (for display) and a single dictionary of user_name (key)
and password (value) string pairs


   from wsgidav.dc.simple_dc import SimpleDomainController
   users = dict(({'John Smith': 'YouNeverGuessMe', 'Dan Brown': 'DontGuessMeEither'})
   realm = 'Sample Realm'
   domain_controller = SimpleDomainController(users, realm)

Domain Controllers must provide the methods as described in
``wsgidav.interfaces.domaincontrollerinterface`` (interface_)

.. _interface : interfaces/

The environ variable here is the WSGI 'environ' dictionary. It is passed to
all methods of the domain controller as a means for developers to pass information
from previous middleware or server config (if required).
import base64
import inspect
import random
import re
import time
from hashlib import md5
from textwrap import dedent

from wsgidav import util
from wsgidav.dav_error import HTTP_NOT_FOUND, DAVError
from wsgidav.dc.simple_dc import SimpleDomainController
from import BaseMiddleware
from wsgidav.util import calc_base64, calc_hexdigest, dynamic_import_class

__docformat__ = "reStructuredText"

_logger = util.get_module_logger(__name__)

[docs] def make_domain_controller(wsgidav_app, config): auth_conf = util.get_dict_value(config, "http_authenticator", as_dict=True) dc = auth_conf.get("domain_controller") org_dc = dc if dc is True or not dc: # True or null: dc = SimpleDomainController elif util.is_basestring(dc): # If a plain string is passed, try to import it as class dc = dynamic_import_class(dc) if inspect.isclass(dc): # If a class is passed, instantiate that dc = dc(wsgidav_app, config) else: raise RuntimeError(f"Could not resolve domain controller class (got {org_dc})") # print("make_domain_controller", dc) return dc
# ======================================================================== # HTTPAuthenticator # ========================================================================
[docs] class HTTPAuthenticator(BaseMiddleware): """WSGI Middleware for basic and digest authentication.""" error_message_401 = dedent( """\ <html> <head><title>401 Access not authorized</title></head> <body> <h1>401 Access not authorized</h1> </body> </html> """ ) def __init__(self, wsgidav_app, next_app, config): super().__init__(wsgidav_app, next_app, config) self._verbose = config.get("verbose", 3) self.config = config dc = make_domain_controller(wsgidav_app, config) self.domain_controller = dc hotfixes = util.get_dict_value(config, "hotfixes", as_dict=True) # HOT FIX for Windows XP (Microsoft-WebDAV-MiniRedir/5.1.2600): # When accessing a share '/dav/', XP sometimes sends digests for '/'. # With this fix turned on, we allow '/' digests, when a matching '/dav' account # is present. self.winxp_accept_root_share_login = hotfixes.get( "winxp_accept_root_share_login", False ) # HOTFIX for Windows # MW 2013-12-31: DON'T set this (will MS office to use anonymous always in # some scenarios) self.win_accept_anonymous_options = hotfixes.get( "win_accept_anonymous_options", False ) auth_conf = util.get_dict_value(config, "http_authenticator", as_dict=True) self.accept_basic = auth_conf.get("accept_basic", True) self.accept_digest = auth_conf.get("accept_digest", True) self.default_to_digest = auth_conf.get("default_to_digest", True) self.trusted_auth_header = auth_conf.get("trusted_auth_header", None) if not dc.supports_http_digest_auth() and ( self.accept_digest or self.default_to_digest or not self.accept_basic ): raise RuntimeError( f"{dc.__class__.__name__} does not support digest authentication.\n" "Set accept_basic=True, accept_digest=False, default_to_digest=False" ) self._nonce_dict = dict([]) self._header_parser = re.compile(r"([\w]+)=([^,]*),") # Note: extra parser to handle digest auth requests from certain # clients, that leave commas un-encoded to interfere with the above. self._header_fix_parser = re.compile(r'([\w]+)=("[^"]*,[^"]*"),') self._header_method = re.compile(r"^([\w]+)")
[docs] def get_domain_controller(self): return self.domain_controller
[docs] def allow_anonymous_access(self, share): return not self.domain_controller.require_authentication(share, None)
[docs] def __call__(self, environ, start_response): realm = self.domain_controller.get_domain_realm(environ["PATH_INFO"], environ) environ["wsgidav.auth.realm"] = realm environ["wsgidav.auth.user_name"] = "" # The domain controller MAY set those values depending on user's # authorization: environ["wsgidav.auth.roles"] = None environ["wsgidav.auth.permissions"] = None # _logger.debug( # "HTTPAuthenticator realm({}): {!r}".format(environ["PATH_INFO"], realm) # ) # _logger.debug("{}".format(environ)) force_logout = False if "logout" in environ.get("QUERY_STRING", ""): force_logout = True _logger.warning("Force logout") force_allow = False if self.win_accept_anonymous_options and environ["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "OPTIONS": _logger.warning("No authorization required for OPTIONS method") force_allow = True if force_allow or not self.domain_controller.require_authentication( realm, environ ): # No authentication needed # _logger.debug("No authorization required for realm {!r}".format(realm)) # environ["wsgidav.auth.realm"] = realm # environ["wsgidav.auth.user_name"] = "" return self.next_app(environ, start_response) if self.trusted_auth_header and environ.get(self.trusted_auth_header): # accept a user_name that was injected by a trusted upstream server _logger.debug( f"Accept trusted user_name {self.trusted_auth_header}={environ.get(self.trusted_auth_header)!r}for realm {realm!r}" ) # environ["wsgidav.auth.realm"] = realm environ["wsgidav.auth.user_name"] = environ.get(self.trusted_auth_header) return self.next_app(environ, start_response) if "HTTP_AUTHORIZATION" in environ and not force_logout: auth_header = environ["HTTP_AUTHORIZATION"] auth_match = auth_method = "None" if auth_match: auth_method = if auth_method == "digest" and self.accept_digest: return self.handle_digest_auth_request(environ, start_response) elif auth_method == "digest" and self.accept_basic: return self.send_basic_auth_response(environ, start_response) elif auth_method == "basic" and self.accept_basic: return self.handle_basic_auth_request(environ, start_response) # The requested auth method is not supported. elif self.default_to_digest and self.accept_digest: return self.send_digest_auth_response(environ, start_response) elif self.accept_basic: return self.send_basic_auth_response(environ, start_response) _logger.warning( f"HTTPAuthenticator: respond with 400 Bad request; Auth-Method: {auth_method}" ) start_response( "400 Bad Request", [("Content-Length", "0"), ("Date", util.get_rfc1123_time())], ) return [""] if self.default_to_digest: return self.send_digest_auth_response(environ, start_response) return self.send_basic_auth_response(environ, start_response)
[docs] def send_basic_auth_response(self, environ, start_response): realm = self.domain_controller.get_domain_realm(environ["PATH_INFO"], environ) _logger.debug(f"401 Not Authorized for realm {realm!r} (basic)") wwwauthheaders = f'Basic realm="{realm}"' body = util.to_bytes(self.error_message_401) start_response( "401 Not Authorized", [ ("WWW-Authenticate", wwwauthheaders), ("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8"), ("Content-Length", str(len(body))), ("Date", util.get_rfc1123_time()), ], ) return [body]
[docs] def handle_basic_auth_request(self, environ, start_response): realm = self.domain_controller.get_domain_realm(environ["PATH_INFO"], environ) auth_header = environ["HTTP_AUTHORIZATION"] auth_value = "" try: auth_value = auth_header[len("Basic ") :].strip() except Exception: auth_value = "" auth_value = base64.decodebytes(util.to_bytes(auth_value)) auth_value = util.to_str(auth_value) user_name, password = auth_value.split(":", 1) if self.domain_controller.basic_auth_user(realm, user_name, password, environ): environ["wsgidav.auth.realm"] = realm environ["wsgidav.auth.user_name"] = user_name return self.next_app(environ, start_response) _logger.warning( f"Authentication (basic) failed for user {user_name!r}, realm {realm!r}." ) return self.send_basic_auth_response(environ, start_response)
[docs] def send_digest_auth_response(self, environ, start_response): realm = self.domain_controller.get_domain_realm(environ["PATH_INFO"], environ) random.seed() serverkey = hex(random.getrandbits(32))[2:] etagkey = calc_hexdigest(environ["PATH_INFO"]) timekey = str(time.time()) nonce_source = timekey + calc_hexdigest( timekey + ":" + etagkey + ":" + serverkey ) nonce = calc_base64(nonce_source) wwwauthheaders = ( f'Digest realm="{realm}", nonce="{nonce}", algorithm=MD5, qop="auth"' ) _logger.debug( f"401 Not Authorized for realm {realm!r} (digest): {wwwauthheaders}" ) body = util.to_bytes(self.error_message_401) start_response( "401 Not Authorized", [ ("WWW-Authenticate", wwwauthheaders), ("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8"), ("Content-Length", str(len(body))), ("Date", util.get_rfc1123_time()), ], ) return [body]
[docs] def handle_digest_auth_request(self, environ, start_response): realm = self.domain_controller.get_domain_realm(environ["PATH_INFO"], environ) if not realm: raise DAVError( HTTP_NOT_FOUND, context_info=f"Could not resolve realm for {environ['PATH_INFO']}", ) is_invalid_req = False invalid_req_reasons = [] auth_header_dict = {} auth_headers = environ["HTTP_AUTHORIZATION"] + "," if not auth_headers.lower().strip().startswith("digest"): is_invalid_req = True invalid_req_reasons.append( f"HTTP_AUTHORIZATION must start with 'digest': {auth_headers}" ) # Hotfix for Windows file manager and OSX Finder: # Some clients don't urlencode paths in auth header, so uri value may # contain commas, which break the usual regex headerparser. Example: # Digest user_name="user",realm="/",uri="a,b.txt",nc=00000001, ... # -> [..., ('uri', '"a'), ('nc', '00000001'), ...] # Override any such values with carefully extracted ones. auth_header_list = self._header_parser.findall(auth_headers) auth_header_fixlist = self._header_fix_parser.findall(auth_headers) if auth_header_fixlist: f"Fixing auth_header comma-parsing: extend {auth_header_list} with {auth_header_fixlist}" ) auth_header_list += auth_header_fixlist for auth_header in auth_header_list: auth_header_key = auth_header[0] auth_header_value = auth_header[1].strip().strip('"') auth_header_dict[auth_header_key] = auth_header_value # _logger.debug( # "handle_digest_auth_request: {}".format(environ["HTTP_AUTHORIZATION"]) # ) # _logger.debug(" -> {}".format(auth_header_dict)) req_username = None if "username" in auth_header_dict: req_username = auth_header_dict["username"] if not req_username: is_invalid_req = True invalid_req_reasons.append(f"`username` is empty: {req_username!r}") elif r"\\" in req_username: # Hotfix for Windows XP: # net use W: /USER:DOMAIN\tester tester # will send the name with double backslashes ('DOMAIN\\tester') # but send the digest for the simple name ('DOMAIN\tester'). req_username_org = req_username req_username = req_username.replace("\\\\", "\\") f"Fixing Windows name with double backslash: {req_username_org!r} --> {req_username!r}" ) # pre_check = self.domain_controller.is_realm_user( # realm, req_username, environ # ) # if pre_check is False: # is_invalid_req = True # invalid_req_reasons.append( # "Not a realm-user: {!r}/{!r}".format(realm, req_username) # ) else: is_invalid_req = True invalid_req_reasons.append("Missing 'username' in headers") # TODO: Chun added this comments, but code was commented out: # Do not do realm checking - a hotfix for WinXP using some other realm's # auth details for this realm - if user/password match if "realm" in auth_header_dict: if auth_header_dict["realm"].upper() != realm.upper(): if ( self.winxp_accept_root_share_login and auth_header_dict["realm"] == "/" ): # Hotfix: also accept '/'"winxp_accept_root_share_login") else: is_invalid_req = True invalid_req_reasons.append(f"Realm mismatch: {realm!r}") if "algorithm" in auth_header_dict: if auth_header_dict["algorithm"].upper() != "MD5": is_invalid_req = True # only MD5 supported invalid_req_reasons.append("Unsupported 'algorithm' in headers") req_uri = auth_header_dict.get("uri") if "nonce" in auth_header_dict: req_nonce = auth_header_dict["nonce"] else: is_invalid_req = True invalid_req_reasons.append("Expected 'nonce' in headers") req_has_qop = False if "qop" in auth_header_dict: req_has_qop = True req_qop = auth_header_dict["qop"] if req_qop.lower() != "auth": is_invalid_req = True # only auth supported, auth-int not supported invalid_req_reasons.append("Expected 'qop' == 'auth'") else: req_qop = None if "cnonce" in auth_header_dict: req_cnonce = auth_header_dict["cnonce"] else: req_cnonce = None if req_has_qop: is_invalid_req = True invalid_req_reasons.append( "Expected 'cnonce' in headers if qop is passed" ) if "nc" in auth_header_dict: # is read but nonce-count checking not implemented req_nc = auth_header_dict["nc"] else: req_nc = None if req_has_qop: is_invalid_req = True invalid_req_reasons.append("Expected 'nc' in headers if qop is passed") if "response" in auth_header_dict: req_response = auth_header_dict["response"] else: is_invalid_req = True invalid_req_reasons.append("Expected 'response' in headers") if not is_invalid_req: req_method = environ["REQUEST_METHOD"] required_digest = self._compute_digest_response( realm, req_username, req_method, req_uri, req_nonce, req_cnonce, req_qop, req_nc, environ, ) if not required_digest: # Rejected by domain controller is_invalid_req = True invalid_req_reasons.append( f"Rejected by DC.digest_auth_user({realm!r}, {req_username!r})" ) elif required_digest != req_response: warning_msg = f"_compute_digest_response({realm!r}, {req_username!r}, ...): {required_digest} != {req_response}" if self.winxp_accept_root_share_login and realm != "/": # _logger.warning(warning_msg + " => trying '/' realm") # Hotfix: also accept '/' digest root_digest = self._compute_digest_response( "/", req_username, req_method, req_uri, req_nonce, req_cnonce, req_qop, req_nc, environ, ) if root_digest == req_response: _logger.warning( f"handle_digest_auth_request: HOTFIX: accepting '/' login for {realm!r}." ) else: is_invalid_req = True invalid_req_reasons.append( warning_msg + " (also tried '/' realm)" ) else: is_invalid_req = True invalid_req_reasons.append(warning_msg) else: # _logger.debug("digest succeeded for realm {!r}, user {!r}" # .format(realm, req_username)) pass if is_invalid_req: invalid_req_reasons.append(f"Headers:\n {auth_header_dict}") if self._verbose >= 4: _logger.warning( "Authentication (digest) failed for user {!r}, realm {!r}:\n {}".format( req_username, realm, "\n ".join(invalid_req_reasons) ) ) else: _logger.warning( f"Authentication (digest) failed for user {req_username!r}, realm {realm!r}." ) return self.send_digest_auth_response(environ, start_response) environ["wsgidav.auth.realm"] = realm environ["wsgidav.auth.user_name"] = req_username return self.next_app(environ, start_response)
def _compute_digest_response( self, realm, user_name, method, uri, nonce, cnonce, qop, nc, environ ): """Computes digest hash. Calculation of the A1 (HA1) part is delegated to the dc interface method `digest_auth_user()`. Args: realm (str): user_name (str): method (str): WebDAV Request Method uri (str): nonce (str): server generated nonce value cnonce (str): client generated cnonce value qop (str): quality of protection nc (str) (number), nonce counter incremented by client Returns: MD5 hash string or False if user rejected by domain controller """ def md5h(data): return md5(util.to_bytes(data)).hexdigest() def md5kd(secret, data): return md5h(secret + ":" + data) A1 = self.domain_controller.digest_auth_user(realm, user_name, environ) if not A1: return False A2 = method + ":" + uri if qop: res = md5kd( A1, nonce + ":" + nc + ":" + cnonce + ":" + qop + ":" + md5h(A2) ) else: res = md5kd(A1, nonce + ":" + md5h(A2)) return res