

Miscellaneous support functions for WsgiDAV.




add_property_response(multistatusEL, href, …) Append <response> element to <multistatus> element.
byte_number_string(number[, thousandsSep, …]) Convert bytes into human-readable representation.
calc_base64(s) Return base64 encoded binarystring.
calc_hexdigest(s) Return md5 digest for a string.
deep_update(d, u)
dynamic_import_class(name) Import a class from a module string, e.g.
dynamic_instantiate_middleware(name, args[, …]) Import a class and instantiate with custom args.
evaluate_http_conditionals(dav_res, …) Handle ‘If-…:’ headers (but not ‘If:’ header).
fail(value[, context_info, src_exception, …]) Wrapper to raise (and log) DAVError.
get_content_length(environ) Return a positive CONTENT_LENGTH in a safe way (return 0 otherwise).
get_etag(file_path) Return a strong Entity Tag for a (file)path.
get_log_time([secs]) Return <secs> in log time format (pass secs=None for current date).
get_module_logger(moduleName[, defaultToVerbose]) Create a module logger, that can be en/disabled by configuration.
get_rfc1123_time([secs]) Return <secs> in rfc 1123 date/time format (pass secs=None for current date).
get_rfc3339_time([secs]) Return <secs> in RFC 3339 date/time format (pass secs=None for current date).
get_uri_name(uri) Return local name, i.e.
get_uri_parent(uri) Return URI of parent collection with trailing ‘/’, or None, if URI is top-level.
guess_mime_type(url) Use the mimetypes module to lookup the type for an extension.
init_logging(config) Initialize base logger named ‘wsgidav’.
is_child_uri(parentUri, childUri) Return True, if childUri is a child of parentUri.
is_equal_or_child_uri(parentUri, childUri) Return True, if childUri is a child of parentUri or maps to the same resource.
join_uri(uri, *segments) Append segments to URI.
lstripstr(s, prefix[, ignoreCase])
make_complete_url(environ[, localUri]) URL reconstruction according to PEP 333.
obtain_content_ranges(rangetext, filesize) returns tuple (list, value)
parse_if_header_dict(environ) Parse HTTP_IF header into a dictionary and lists, and cache the result.
parse_time_string(timestring) Return the number of seconds since the epoch, for a date/time string.
parse_xml_body(environ[, allow_empty]) Read request body XML into an etree.Element.
pop_path(path) Return ‘/a/b/c’ -> (‘a’, ‘/b/c’).
pop_path2(path) Return ‘/a/b/c’ -> (‘a’, ‘b’, ‘/c’).
read_and_discard_input(environ) Read 1 byte from wsgi.input, if this has not been done yet.
read_timeout_value_header(timeoutvalue) Return -1 if infinite, else return numofsecs.
safe_re_encode(s, encoding_to[, errors]) Re-encode str or binary so that is compatible with a given encoding (replacing unsupported chars).
save_split(s, sep, maxsplit) Split string, always returning n-tuple (filled with None if necessary).
send_multi_status_response(environ, …)
send_status_response(environ, start_response, e) Start a WSGI response for a DAVError or status code.
shift_path(script_name, path_info) Return (‘/a’, ‘/b/c’) -> (‘b’, ‘/a/b’, ‘c’).
split_namespace(clarkName) Return (namespace, localname) tuple for a property name in Clark Notation.
string_repr(s) Return a string as hex dump.
test_if_header_dict(dav_res, dictIf, …)
to_unicode_safe(s) Convert a binary string to Unicode using UTF-8 (fallback to ISO-8859-1).

Other Members

BASE_LOGGER_NAME The base logger (silent by default)
DAVError(status_code[, context_info, …]) General error class that is used to signal HTTP and WEBDAV errors.
HTTP_BAD_REQUEST int([x]) -> integer int(x, base=10) -> integer
HTTP_CREATED int([x]) -> integer int(x, base=10) -> integer
HTTP_NOT_MODIFIED int([x]) -> integer int(x, base=10) -> integer
HTTP_NO_CONTENT int([x]) -> integer int(x, base=10) -> integer
HTTP_OK int([x]) -> integer int(x, base=10) -> integer
HTTP_PRECONDITION_FAILED int([x]) -> integer int(x, base=10) -> integer
MAX_FINITE_TIMEOUT_LIMIT any numofsecs above the following limit is regarded as infinite
PYTHON_VERSION str(object=’’) -> str str(bytes_or_buffer[, encoding[, errors]]) -> str
as_DAVError(e) Convert any non-DAVError exception to HTTP_INTERNAL_ERROR.
calendar Calendar printing functions
compat Tool functions to support Python 2 and 3.
etree Defused xml.etree.ElementTree facade
formatdate([timeval, localtime, usegmt]) Returns a date string as specified by RFC 2822, e.g.:
get_http_status_string(v) Return HTTP response string, e.g.
logging Logging package for Python.
make_sub_element(parent, tag[, nsmap]) Wrapper for etree.SubElement, that takes care of unsupported nsmap option.
md5 Returns a md5 hash object; optionally initialized with a string
mimetypes Guess the MIME type of a file.
os OS routines for NT or Posix depending on what system we’re on.
parsedate(data) Convert a time string to a time tuple.
pformat(object[, indent, width, depth, …]) Format a Python object into a pretty-printed representation.
re Support for regular expressions (RE).
reByteRangeSpecifier Compiled regular expression object.
reIfHeader Compiled regular expression object.
reIfSeparator Compiled regular expression object.
reIfTagList Compiled regular expression object.
reIfTagListContents Compiled regular expression object.
reSecondsReader Compiled regular expression object.
reSuffixByteRangeSpecifier Compiled regular expression object.
socket This module provides socket operations and some related functions.
stat Constants/functions for interpreting results of os.stat() and os.lstat().
sys This module provides access to some objects used or maintained by the interpreter and to functions that interact strongly with the interpreter.
time This module provides various functions to manipulate time values.
xml_to_bytes(element[, pretty_print]) Wrapper for etree.tostring, that takes care of unsupported pretty_print option and prepends an encoding header.