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class wsgidav.lock_manager.LockManager(storage)[source]

Bases: object

Implements locking functionality using a custom storage layer.

LockManager.acquire(url, locktype, …) Check for permissions and acquire a lock.
LockManager.checkWritePermission(url, depth, …) Check, if <principal> can modify <url>, otherwise raise HTTP_LOCKED.
LockManager.getIndirectUrlLockList(url[, …]) Return a list of valid lockDicts, that protect <path> directly or indirectly.
LockManager.getLock(token[, key]) Return lockDict, or None, if not found or invalid.
LockManager.getUrlLockList(url) Return list of lockDict, if <url> is protected by at least one direct, valid lock.
LockManager.isTokenLockedByUser(token, principal) Return True, if <token> exists, is valid, and bound to <principal>.
LockManager.isUrlLocked(url) Return True, if url is directly locked.
LockManager.isUrlLockedByToken(url, locktoken) Check, if url (or any of it’s parents) is locked by locktoken.
LockManager.refresh(token[, timeout]) Set new timeout for lock, if existing and valid.
LockManager.release(token) Delete lock.