Source code for wsgidav.compat

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# (c) 2009-2021 Martin Wendt and contributors; see WsgiDAV
# Licensed under the MIT license:
Tool functions to support Python 2 and 3.

Inspired by six

TODO: since it is now based on six, we should remove this module eventually.
# flake8: noqa

import sys

import six
from six import PY2, PY3, BytesIO
from six.moves import cStringIO as StringIO
from six.moves import input as console_input
from six.moves import queue, xrange
from six.moves.urllib.parse import quote, unquote, urlparse

# See #174: `collections_abc` would be part of six.moves, but only for
# six v1.13+ but we don't want to force users to update their system python's six
    import as collections_abc  # Python 3.3+
except ImportError:
    import collections as collections_abc

__docformat__ = "reStructuredText"

_filesystemencoding = sys.getfilesystemencoding()

# String Abstractions

if PY2:

    from base64 import decodestring as base64_decodebytes
    from base64 import encodestring as base64_encodebytes
    from cgi import escape as html_escape

    def is_basestring(s):
        """Return True for any string type (for str/unicode on Py2 and bytes/str on Py3)."""
        return isinstance(s, basestring)

    def is_bytes(s):
        """Return True for bytestrings (for str on Py2 and bytes on Py3)."""
        return isinstance(s, str)

    def is_native(s):
        """Return True for native strings (for str on Py2 and Py3)."""
        return isinstance(s, str)

    def is_unicode(s):
        """Return True for unicode strings (for unicode on Py2 and str on Py3)."""
        return isinstance(s, unicode)

    def to_bytes(s, encoding="utf8"):
        """Convert unicode (text strings) to binary data (str on Py2 and bytes on Py3)."""
        if type(s) is unicode:
            s = s.encode(encoding)
        elif type(s) is not str:
            s = str(s)
        return s

    to_native = to_bytes
    """Convert data to native str type (bytestring on Py2 and unicode on Py3)."""

[docs] def to_unicode(s, encoding="utf8"): """Convert data to unicode text (unicode on Py2 and str on Py3).""" if type(s) is not unicode: s = unicode(s, encoding) return s
else: # Python 3 from base64 import decodebytes as base64_decodebytes from base64 import encodebytes as base64_encodebytes from html import escape as html_escape
[docs] def is_basestring(s): """Return True for any string type (for str/unicode on Py2 and bytes/str on Py3).""" return isinstance(s, (str, bytes))
[docs] def is_bytes(s): """Return True for bytestrings (for str on Py2 and bytes on Py3).""" return isinstance(s, bytes)
[docs] def is_native(s): """Return True for native strings (for str on Py2 and Py3).""" return isinstance(s, str)
[docs] def is_unicode(s): """Return True for unicode strings (for unicode on Py2 and str on Py3).""" return isinstance(s, str)
[docs] def to_bytes(s, encoding="utf8"): """Convert a text string (unicode) to bytestring (str on Py2 and bytes on Py3).""" if type(s) is not bytes: s = bytes(s, encoding) return s
[docs] def to_native(s, encoding="utf8"): """Convert data to native str type (bytestring on Py2 and unicode on Py3).""" if type(s) is bytes: s = str(s, encoding) elif type(s) is not str: s = str(s) return s
to_unicode = to_native """Convert binary data to unicode (text strings) on Python 2 and 3.""" # Binary Strings b_empty = to_bytes("") b_slash = to_bytes("/") # WSGI support
[docs]def unicode_to_wsgi(u): """Convert an environment variable to a WSGI 'bytes-as-unicode' string.""" # Taken from PEP3333; the server should already have performed this, when # passing environ to the WSGI application return u.encode(_filesystemencoding, "surrogateescape").decode("iso-8859-1")
[docs]def wsgi_to_bytes(s): """Convert a native string to a WSGI / HTTP compatible byte string.""" # Taken from PEP3333 return s.encode("iso-8859-1")