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2. Configure and Run WsgiDAV Server

This document describes, how to configure and run a WsgiDAV server.

The WsgiDAV server was tested with these platforms

  • Mac OS X 10.9
  • Ubuntu 13
  • Windows (Win7, Vista, XP)

and these WSGI servers

  • cherrypy.wsgiserver
  • paste.httpserver
  • Pylons
  • wsgidav.ext_wsgiutils_server (bundled with WsgiDAV)
  • wsgiref.simple_server

2.3. Run as stand-alone server

WsgiDAV is a WSGI application, that can be run by any WSGI compliant server.

This package comes with a built-in WSGI server called wsgidav (See for details).

In the most simple case, no configuration file is required. The following line starts publishing the local folder /tmp for anonymous WebDAV access:

~/wsgidav$ wsgidav --host= --port=80 --root=/tmp

To test it, you may start a browser on

However, most of the time we want to specify a configuration file with advanced settings:

~/wsgidav$ wsgidav --host= --port=80 --config=./wsgidav.conf

By default, WsgiDAV will search for a file called wsgidav.conf in the current working directory. Use the -h option for a list of additional commands:

~/wsgidav$ wsgidav -h

2.4. Configuration file

The configuration file uses Python syntax to specify these options:
  • Server options (hostname, port, SSL cert, …)
  • List of share-name / WebDAV provider mappings
  • List of users for authentication
  • Optional custom DAV providers (i.e. other than FilesystemProvider)
  • Optional custom lock manager, property manager and domain controller
  • Advanced debugging options
  • (and more)

For a start, you should copy Sample Configuration or Annotated Sample Configuration and edit it to your needs.

2.5. Run inside a 3rd-party WSGI server

Setup up the configuration dictionary, create a WsgiDAVApp object and pass it to your favorite WSGI server:

2.6. Run inside Pylons

See Running as Pylons controller for an example how WsgiDAV can be configured as Pylons controller.