
You are looking at outdated documentation for version 1.x. A newer version is available.

1. Installing WsgiDAV

This document describes, how a WsgiDAV server is installed.

WsgiDAV server was tested with these operating systems:
  • Linux (Ubuntu 13)
  • Mac OS X 10.9
  • Windows (Win7, Vista, XP)

1.1. Preconditions

WsgiDAV requires
  • Python version 2.6 or later
  • Optionally lxml (will fall back to xml)

1.2. Details

1.2.1. Unix / Linux

The following examples were tested on Ubuntu 13.04.

Install lxml (optional):

~$ sudo apt-get install python-lxml

Install the latest release:

~$ sudo pip install -U wsgidav

or install the latest (potentially unstable) development version:

~$ pip install git+

If you want to participate, check it out from the repository

$ git clone wsgidav
$ cd wsgidav
$ develop
$ test
$ wsgidav --help

1.2.2. Windows

Install the preconditions, if neccessary. Basically the same as for Unix / Linux