Source code for wsgidav.dir_browser

# (c) 2009-2018 Martin Wendt and contributors; see WsgiDAV
# Original PyFileServer (c) 2005 Ho Chun Wei.
# Licensed under the MIT license:
WSGI middleware that handles GET requests on collections to display directories.
import os
import sys

from wsgidav import __version__, compat, util
from wsgidav.dav_error import HTTP_MEDIATYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED, HTTP_OK, DAVError
from wsgidav.middleware import BaseMiddleware
from wsgidav.util import safeReEncode

__docformat__ = "reStructuredText"

_logger = util.getModuleLogger(__name__)

msOfficeTypeToExtMap = {
    "excel": ("xls", "xlt", "xlm", "xlsm", "xlsx", "xltm", "xltx"),
    "powerpoint": ("pps", "ppt", "pptm", "pptx", "potm", "potx", "ppsm", "ppsx"),
    "word": ("doc", "dot", "docm", "docx", "dotm", "dotx"),
    "visio": ("vsd", "vsdm", "vsdx", "vstm", "vstx"),
msOfficeExtToTypeMap = {}
for t, el in msOfficeTypeToExtMap.items():
    for e in el:
        msOfficeExtToTypeMap[e] = t

PAGE_CSS = """\
    img { border: 0; padding: 0 2px; vertical-align: text-bottom; }
    th, td { padding: 2px 20px 2px 2px; }
    th { text-align: left; }
    th.right { text-align: right; }
    td  { font-family: monospace; vertical-align: bottom; white-space: pre; }
    td.right { text-align: right; }
    table { border: 0; }
    a.symlink { font-style: italic; }
    p.trailer { font-size: smaller; }

function onLoad() {
//    console.log("loaded.");

/* Event delegation handler for clicks on a-tags with class 'msoffice'. */
function onClickTable(event) {
    var target = || event.srcElement,
        href = target.href;

    if( href && target.className === "msoffice" ){
        if( openWithSharePointPlugin(href) ){
            // prevent default processing
            return false;

function openWithSharePointPlugin(url) {
    var res = false,
        control = null,
        isFF = false;

    // Get the most recent version of the SharePoint plugin
    if( window.ActiveXObject ){
        try {
            control = new ActiveXObject("SharePoint.OpenDocuments.3"); // Office 2007
        } catch(e) {
            try {
                control = new ActiveXObject("SharePoint.OpenDocuments.2"); // Office 2003
            } catch(e2) {
                try {
                    control = new ActiveXObject("SharePoint.OpenDocuments.1"); // Office 2000/XP
                } catch(e3) {
                    window.console && console.warn("Could not create ActiveXObject('SharePoint.OpenDocuments'). Check your browsers security settings.");
                    return false;
        if( !control ){
            window.console && console.warn("Cannot instantiate the required ActiveX control to open the document. This is most likely because you do not have Office installed or you have an older version of Office.");
    } else {
        window.console && console.log("Non-IE: using FFWinPlugin Plug-in...");
        control = document.getElementById("winFirefoxPlugin");
        isFF = true;

    try {
//      window.console && console.log("SharePoint.OpenDocuments.EditDocument('" + url + "')...");
        res = control.EditDocument(url);
//      window.console && console.log("SharePoint.OpenDocuments.EditDocument('" + url + "')... res = ", res);
        if( !res ){
            window.console && console.warn("SharePoint.OpenDocuments.EditDocument('" + url + "') returned false.");
    } catch (e){
        window.console && console.warn("SharePoint.OpenDocuments.EditDocument('" + url + "') failed.", e);
    return res;
"""  # noqa

[docs]class WsgiDavDirBrowser(BaseMiddleware): """WSGI middleware that handles GET requests on collections to display directories.""" def __init__(self, application, config): self._application = application self._verbose = 2
[docs] def __call__(self, environ, start_response): path = environ["PATH_INFO"] davres = None if environ["wsgidav.provider"]: davres = environ["wsgidav.provider"].getResourceInst(path, environ) if environ["REQUEST_METHOD"] in ("GET", "HEAD") and davres and davres.isCollection: # if "mozilla" not in environ.get("HTTP_USER_AGENT").lower(): # # issue 14: Nautilus sends GET on collections # # # util.status("Directory browsing disabled for agent '{}'" # .format(environ.get("HTTP_USER_AGENT"))) # self._fail(HTTP_NOT_IMPLEMENTED) # return self._application(environ, start_response) if util.getContentLength(environ) != 0: self._fail(HTTP_MEDIATYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED, "The server does not handle any body content.") if environ["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "HEAD": return util.sendStatusResponse(environ, start_response, HTTP_OK) # Support DAV mount ( dirConfig = environ["wsgidav.config"].get("dir_browser", {}) if dirConfig.get("davmount") and "davmount" in environ.get("QUERY_STRING", ""): # collectionUrl = davres.getHref() collectionUrl = util.makeCompleteUrl(environ) collectionUrl = collectionUrl.split("?")[0] res = """ <dm:mount xmlns:dm=""> <dm:url>{}</dm:url> </dm:mount>""".format(collectionUrl) # TODO: support <dm:open>%s</dm:open> start_response("200 OK", [("Content-Type", "application/davmount+xml"), ("Content-Length", str(len(res))), ("Cache-Control", "private"), ("Date", util.getRfc1123Time()), ]) return [res] # Profile calls # if True: # from cProfile import Profile # profile = Profile() # profile.runcall(self._listDirectory, environ, start_response) # # sort: 0:"calls",1:"time", 2: "cumulative" # profile.print_stats(sort=2) return self._listDirectory(davres, environ, start_response) return self._application(environ, start_response)
[docs] @staticmethod def isSuitable(config): return config.get("dir_browser") and config["dir_browser"].get("enable", True)
def _fail(self, value, contextinfo=None, srcexception=None, errcondition=None): """Wrapper to raise (and log) DAVError.""" e = DAVError(value, contextinfo, srcexception, errcondition) if self._verbose >= 2: _logger.error("Raising DAVError {}".format( safeReEncode(e.getUserInfo(), sys.stdout.encoding))) raise e def _listDirectory(self, davres, environ, start_response): """ @see: """ assert davres.isCollection dirConfig = environ["wsgidav.config"].get("dir_browser", {}) displaypath = compat.unquote(davres.getHref()) isReadOnly = environ["wsgidav.provider"].isReadOnly() trailer = dirConfig.get("response_trailer") if trailer: trailer = trailer.replace( "${version}", "<a href=''>WsgiDAV/{}</a>".format(__version__)) trailer = trailer.replace("${time}", util.getRfc1123Time()) else: trailer = ("<a href=''>WsgiDAV/{}</a> - {}" .format(__version__, util.getRfc1123Time())) html = [] html.append( "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN' " "''>") html.append("<html>") html.append("<head>") html.append( "<meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=UTF-8'>") html.append("<meta name='generator' content='WsgiDAV {}'>".format(__version__)) html.append("<title>WsgiDAV - Index of {} </title>".format(displaypath)) html.append("<script type='text/javascript'>{}</script>".format(PAGE_SCRIPT)) html.append("<style type='text/css'>{}</style>".format(PAGE_CSS)) # Special CSS to enable MS Internet Explorer behaviour if dirConfig.get("ms_mount"): html.append( "<style type='text/css'> A {behavior: url(#default#AnchorClick);} </style>") if dirConfig.get("ms_sharepoint_plugin"): html.append( "<object id='winFirefoxPlugin' type='application/x-sharepoint' width='0' " "height='0' style=''visibility: hidden;'></object>") html.append("</head>") html.append("<body onload='onLoad()'>") # Title html.append("<h1>Index of {}</h1>".format(displaypath)) # Add DAV-Mount link and Web-Folder link links = [] if dirConfig.get("davmount"): links.append("<a title='Open this folder in a WebDAV client.' " "href='{}?davmount'>Mount</a>".format(util.makeCompleteUrl(environ))) if dirConfig.get("ms_mount"): links.append("<a title='Open as Web Folder (requires Microsoft Internet Explorer)' " "href='' FOLDER='{}'>Open as Web Folder</a>" .format(util.makeCompleteUrl(environ))) # html.append("<a href='' FOLDER='{}'>Open as WebDAV</a>" # .format(util.makeCompleteUrl(environ))) if links: html.append("<p>{}</p>".format(" &#8211; ".join(links))) html.append("<hr>") # Listing html.append("<table onclick='return onClickTable(event)'>") html.append("<thead>") html.append( "<tr><th>Name</th> <th>Type</th> <th class='right'>Size</th> " "<th class='right'>Last modified</th> </tr>") html.append("</thead>") html.append("<tbody>") if davres.path in ("", "/"): html.append( "<tr><td>Top level share</td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> </tr>") else: parentUrl = util.getUriParent(davres.getHref()) html.append("<tr><td><a href='" + parentUrl + "'>Parent Directory</a></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> </tr>") # Ask collection for member info list dirInfoList = davres.getDirectoryInfo() if dirInfoList is None: # No pre-build info: traverse members dirInfoList = [] childList = davres.getDescendants(depth="1", addSelf=False) for res in childList: di = res.getDisplayInfo() href = res.getHref() infoDict = {"href": href, "class": "", "displayName": res.getDisplayName(), "lastModified": res.getLastModified(), "isCollection": res.isCollection, "contentLength": res.getContentLength(), "displayType": di.get("type"), "displayTypeComment": di.get("typeComment"), } if not isReadOnly and not res.isCollection: ext = os.path.splitext(href)[1].lstrip(".").lower() officeType = msOfficeExtToTypeMap.get(ext) if officeType: if dirConfig.get("ms_sharepoint_plugin"): infoDict["class"] = "msoffice" elif dirConfig.get("ms_sharepoint_urls"): infoDict[ "href"] = "ms-{}:ofe|u|{}".format(officeType, href) dirInfoList.append(infoDict) # for infoDict in dirInfoList: lastModified = infoDict.get("lastModified") if lastModified is None: infoDict["strModified"] = "" else: infoDict["strModified"] = util.getRfc1123Time(lastModified) infoDict["strSize"] = "-" if not infoDict.get("isCollection"): contentLength = infoDict.get("contentLength") if contentLength is not None: infoDict["strSize"] = util.byteNumberString(contentLength) html.append("""\ <tr><td><a href="{href}" class="{class}">{displayName}</a></td> <td>{displayType}</td> <td class='right'>{strSize}</td> <td class='right'>{strModified}</td></tr>""".format(**infoDict)) # html.append("""\ # <tr><td><a href="%(href)s" class="%(class)s">%(displayName)s</a></td> # <td>%(displayType)s</td> # <td class='right'>%(strSize)s</td> # <td class='right'>%(strModified)s</td></tr>""" % infoDict) html.append("</tbody>") html.append("</table>") html.append("<hr>") if "http_authenticator.username" in environ: if environ.get("http_authenticator.username"): html.append("<p>Authenticated user: '{}', realm: '{}'.</p>" .format(environ.get("http_authenticator.username"), environ.get("http_authenticator.realm"))) # else: # html.append("<p>Anonymous</p>") if trailer: html.append("<p class='trailer'>{}</p>".format(trailer)) html.append("</body></html>") body = "\n".join(html) body = compat.to_bytes(body) start_response("200 OK", [("Content-Type", "text/html"), ("Content-Length", str(len(body))), ("Date", util.getRfc1123Time()), ]) return [body]