Source code for wsgidav.fs_dav_provider

# (c) 2009-2018 Martin Wendt and contributors; see WsgiDAV
# Original PyFileServer (c) 2005 Ho Chun Wei.
# Licensed under the MIT license:
Implementation of a DAV provider that serves resource from a file system.

:class:`~wsgidav.fs_dav_provider.FilesystemProvider` implements a DAV resource
provider that publishes a file system.

If ``readonly=True`` is passed, write attempts will raise HTTP_FORBIDDEN.

This provider creates instances of :class:`~wsgidav.fs_dav_provider.FileResource`
and :class:`~wsgidav.fs_dav_provider.FolderResource` to represent files and
directories respectively.
import os
import shutil
import stat
import sys

from wsgidav import compat, util
from wsgidav.dav_error import HTTP_FORBIDDEN, DAVError
from wsgidav.dav_provider import DAVCollection, DAVNonCollection, DAVProvider

__docformat__ = "reStructuredText"

_logger = util.getModuleLogger(__name__)


# ========================================================================
# FileResource
# ========================================================================
[docs]class FileResource(DAVNonCollection): """Represents a single existing DAV resource instance. See also _DAVResource, DAVNonCollection, and FilesystemProvider. """ def __init__(self, path, environ, filePath): super(FileResource, self).__init__(path, environ) self._filePath = filePath self.filestat = os.stat(self._filePath) # Setting the name from the file path should fix the case on Windows = os.path.basename(self._filePath) = compat.to_native( # Getter methods for standard live properties
[docs] def getContentLength(self): return self.filestat[stat.ST_SIZE]
[docs] def getContentType(self): return util.guessMimeType(self.path)
[docs] def getCreationDate(self): return self.filestat[stat.ST_CTIME]
[docs] def getDisplayName(self): return
[docs] def getEtag(self): return util.getETag(self._filePath)
[docs] def getLastModified(self): return self.filestat[stat.ST_MTIME]
[docs] def supportEtag(self): return True
[docs] def supportRanges(self): return True
[docs] def getContent(self): """Open content as a stream for reading. See DAVResource.getContent() """ assert not self.isCollection # GC issue 28, 57: if we open in text mode, \r\n is converted to one byte. # So the file size reported by Windows differs from len(..), thus # content-length will be wrong. return open(self._filePath, "rb", BUFFER_SIZE)
[docs] def beginWrite(self, contentType=None): """Open content as a stream for writing. See DAVResource.beginWrite() """ assert not self.isCollection if self.provider.readonly: raise DAVError(HTTP_FORBIDDEN) # _logger.debug("beginWrite: {}, {}".format(self._filePath, "wb")) # GC issue 57: always store as binary return open(self._filePath, "wb", BUFFER_SIZE)
[docs] def delete(self): """Remove this resource or collection (recursive). See DAVResource.delete() """ if self.provider.readonly: raise DAVError(HTTP_FORBIDDEN) os.unlink(self._filePath) self.removeAllProperties(True) self.removeAllLocks(True)
[docs] def copyMoveSingle(self, destPath, isMove): """See DAVResource.copyMoveSingle() """ if self.provider.readonly: raise DAVError(HTTP_FORBIDDEN) fpDest = self.provider._locToFilePath(destPath, self.environ) assert not util.isEqualOrChildUri(self.path, destPath) # Copy file (overwrite, if exists) shutil.copy2(self._filePath, fpDest) # (Live properties are copied by copy2 or copystat) # Copy dead properties propMan = self.provider.propManager if propMan: destRes = self.provider.getResourceInst(destPath, self.environ) if isMove: propMan.moveProperties(self.getRefUrl(), destRes.getRefUrl(), withChildren=False, environ=self.environ) else: propMan.copyProperties(self.getRefUrl(), destRes.getRefUrl(), self.environ)
[docs] def supportRecursiveMove(self, destPath): """Return True, if moveRecursive() is available (see comments there).""" return True
[docs] def moveRecursive(self, destPath): """See DAVResource.moveRecursive() """ if self.provider.readonly: raise DAVError(HTTP_FORBIDDEN) fpDest = self.provider._locToFilePath(destPath, self.environ) assert not util.isEqualOrChildUri(self.path, destPath) assert not os.path.exists(fpDest) _logger.debug("moveRecursive({}, {})".format(self._filePath, fpDest)) shutil.move(self._filePath, fpDest) # (Live properties are copied by copy2 or copystat) # Move dead properties if self.provider.propManager: destRes = self.provider.getResourceInst(destPath, self.environ) self.provider.propManager.moveProperties(self.getRefUrl(), destRes.getRefUrl(), withChildren=True, environ=self.environ)
[docs] def setLastModified(self, destPath, timeStamp, dryRun): """Set last modified time for destPath to timeStamp on epoch-format""" # Translate time from RFC 1123 to seconds since epoch format secs = util.parseTimeString(timeStamp) if not dryRun: os.utime(self._filePath, (secs, secs)) return True
# ======================================================================== # FolderResource # ========================================================================
[docs]class FolderResource(DAVCollection): """Represents a single existing file system folder DAV resource. See also _DAVResource, DAVCollection, and FilesystemProvider. """ def __init__(self, path, environ, filePath): super(FolderResource, self).__init__(path, environ) self._filePath = filePath # self._dict = None self.filestat = os.stat(self._filePath) # Setting the name from the file path should fix the case on Windows = os.path.basename(self._filePath) = compat.to_native( # .encode("utf8") # Getter methods for standard live properties
[docs] def getCreationDate(self): return self.filestat[stat.ST_CTIME]
[docs] def getDisplayName(self): return
[docs] def getDirectoryInfo(self): return None
[docs] def getEtag(self): return None
[docs] def getLastModified(self): return self.filestat[stat.ST_MTIME]
[docs] def getMemberNames(self): """Return list of direct collection member names (utf-8 encoded). See DAVCollection.getMemberNames() """ # On Windows NT/2k/XP and Unix, if path is a Unicode object, the result # will be a list of Unicode objects. # Undecodable filenames will still be returned as string objects # If we don't request unicode, for example Vista may return a '?' # instead of a special character. The name would then be unusable to # build a distinct URL that references this resource. nameList = [] # self._filePath is unicode, so os.listdir returns unicode as well assert compat.is_unicode(self._filePath) for name in os.listdir(self._filePath): if not compat.is_unicode(name): name = name.decode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()) assert compat.is_unicode(name) # Skip non files (links and mount points) fp = os.path.join(self._filePath, name) if not os.path.isdir(fp) and not os.path.isfile(fp): _logger.debug("Skipping non-file {!r}".format(fp)) continue # name = name.encode("utf8") name = compat.to_native(name) nameList.append(name) return nameList
[docs] def getMember(self, name): """Return direct collection member (DAVResource or derived). See DAVCollection.getMember() """ assert compat.is_native(name), "{!r}".format(name) fp = os.path.join(self._filePath, compat.to_unicode(name)) # name = name.encode("utf8") path = util.joinUri(self.path, name) if os.path.isdir(fp): res = FolderResource(path, self.environ, fp) elif os.path.isfile(fp): res = FileResource(path, self.environ, fp) else: _logger.debug("Skipping non-file {}".format(path)) res = None return res
# --- Read / write -------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def createEmptyResource(self, name): """Create an empty (length-0) resource. See DAVResource.createEmptyResource() """ assert "/" not in name if self.provider.readonly: raise DAVError(HTTP_FORBIDDEN) path = util.joinUri(self.path, name) fp = self.provider._locToFilePath(path, self.environ) f = open(fp, "wb") f.close() return self.provider.getResourceInst(path, self.environ)
[docs] def createCollection(self, name): """Create a new collection as member of self. See DAVResource.createCollection() """ assert "/" not in name if self.provider.readonly: raise DAVError(HTTP_FORBIDDEN) path = util.joinUri(self.path, name) fp = self.provider._locToFilePath(path, self.environ) os.mkdir(fp)
[docs] def delete(self): """Remove this resource or collection (recursive). See DAVResource.delete() """ if self.provider.readonly: raise DAVError(HTTP_FORBIDDEN) shutil.rmtree(self._filePath, ignore_errors=False) self.removeAllProperties(True) self.removeAllLocks(True)
[docs] def copyMoveSingle(self, destPath, isMove): """See DAVResource.copyMoveSingle() """ if self.provider.readonly: raise DAVError(HTTP_FORBIDDEN) fpDest = self.provider._locToFilePath(destPath, self.environ) assert not util.isEqualOrChildUri(self.path, destPath) # Create destination collection, if not exists if not os.path.exists(fpDest): os.mkdir(fpDest) try: # may raise: [Error 5] Permission denied: # u'C:\\temp\\litmus\\ccdest' shutil.copystat(self._filePath, fpDest) except Exception: _logger.exception("Could not copy folder stats: {}".format(self._filePath)) # (Live properties are copied by copy2 or copystat) # Copy dead properties propMan = self.provider.propManager if propMan: destRes = self.provider.getResourceInst(destPath, self.environ) if isMove: propMan.moveProperties(self.getRefUrl(), destRes.getRefUrl(), withChildren=False, environ=self.environ) else: propMan.copyProperties(self.getRefUrl(), destRes.getRefUrl(), self.environ)
[docs] def supportRecursiveMove(self, destPath): """Return True, if moveRecursive() is available (see comments there).""" return True
[docs] def moveRecursive(self, destPath): """See DAVResource.moveRecursive() """ if self.provider.readonly: raise DAVError(HTTP_FORBIDDEN) fpDest = self.provider._locToFilePath(destPath, self.environ) assert not util.isEqualOrChildUri(self.path, destPath) assert not os.path.exists(fpDest) _logger.debug("moveRecursive({}, {})".format(self._filePath, fpDest)) shutil.move(self._filePath, fpDest) # (Live properties are copied by copy2 or copystat) # Move dead properties if self.provider.propManager: destRes = self.provider.getResourceInst(destPath, self.environ) self.provider.propManager.moveProperties(self.getRefUrl(), destRes.getRefUrl(), withChildren=True, environ=self.environ)
[docs] def setLastModified(self, destPath, timeStamp, dryRun): """Set last modified time for destPath to timeStamp on epoch-format""" # Translate time from RFC 1123 to seconds since epoch format secs = util.parseTimeString(timeStamp) if not dryRun: os.utime(self._filePath, (secs, secs)) return True
# ======================================================================== # FilesystemProvider # ========================================================================
[docs]class FilesystemProvider(DAVProvider): def __init__(self, rootFolderPath, readonly=False): # Expand leading '~' as user home dir; expand %VAR%, $Var, .. rootFolderPath = os.path.expandvars(os.path.expanduser(rootFolderPath)) rootFolderPath = os.path.abspath(rootFolderPath) if not rootFolderPath or not os.path.exists(rootFolderPath): raise ValueError("Invalid root path: {}".format(rootFolderPath)) super(FilesystemProvider, self).__init__() self.rootFolderPath = rootFolderPath self.readonly = readonly def __repr__(self): rw = "Read-Write" if self.readonly: rw = "Read-Only" return "{} for path '{}' ({})".format(self.__class__.__name__, self.rootFolderPath, rw) def _locToFilePath(self, path, environ=None): """Convert resource path to a unicode absolute file path. Optional environ argument may be useful e.g. in relation to per-user sub-folder chrooting inside rootFolderPath. """ root_path = self.rootFolderPath assert root_path is not None assert compat.is_native(root_path) assert compat.is_native(path) path_parts = path.strip("/").split("/") file_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(root_path, *path_parts)) if not file_path.startswith(root_path): raise RuntimeError( "Security exception: tried to access file outside root: {}".format(file_path)) # Convert to unicode file_path = util.toUnicode(file_path) return file_path
[docs] def isReadOnly(self): return self.readonly
[docs] def getResourceInst(self, path, environ): """Return info dictionary for path. See DAVProvider.getResourceInst() """ self._count_getResourceInst += 1 fp = self._locToFilePath(path, environ) if not os.path.exists(fp): return None if os.path.isdir(fp): return FolderResource(path, environ, fp) return FileResource(path, environ, fp)