Source code for wsgidav.server.server_cli

# -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*-

:Author: Martin Wendt, moogle(at)
:Copyright: Licensed under the MIT license, see LICENSE file in this package.

Standalone server that runs WsgiDAV.

These tasks are performed:

    - Set up the configuration from defaults, configuration file, and command line
    - Instantiate the WsgiDAVApp object (which is a WSGI application)
    - Start a WSGI server for this WsgiDAVApp object

Configuration is defined like this:

    1. Get the name of a configuration file from command line option
       ``--config-file=FILENAME`` (or short ``-cFILENAME``).
       If this option is omitted, we use ``wsgidav.conf`` in the current
    2. Set reasonable default settings.
    3. If configuration file exists: read and use it to overwrite defaults.
    4. If command line options are passed, use them to override settings:

       ``--host`` option overrides ``hostname`` setting.

       ``--port`` option overrides ``port`` setting.

       ``--root=FOLDER`` option creates a FilesystemProvider that publishes
       FOLDER on the '/' share.
from __future__ import print_function

import argparse
import io
import json
import logging
import os
import sys
import traceback
from inspect import isfunction
from pprint import pformat

from jsmin import jsmin
import yaml

from wsgidav import __version__, util
from wsgidav.fs_dav_provider import FilesystemProvider
from wsgidav.wsgidav_app import DEFAULT_CONFIG, WsgiDAVApp
from wsgidav.xml_tools import useLxml

__docformat__ = "reStructuredText"

#: Try this config files if no --config_file option is specified
DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILES = ("wsgidav.yaml", "wsgidav.json", "wsgidav.conf")

_logger = logging.getLogger("wsgidav")

def _get_checked_path(path, mustExist=True, allowNone=True):
    """Convert path to absolute if not None."""
    if path in (None, ""):
        if allowNone:
            return None
            raise ValueError("Invalid path {!r}".format(path))
    path = os.path.abspath(path)
    if mustExist and not os.path.exists(path):
        raise ValueError("Invalid path {!r}".format(path))
    return path

[docs]class FullExpandedPath(argparse.Action): """Expand user- and relative-paths"""
[docs] def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None): new_val = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(values)) setattr(namespace, self.dest, new_val)
def _initCommandLineOptions(): """Parse command line options into a dictionary.""" description = """\ Run a WEBDAV server to share file system folders. Examples: Share filesystem folder '/temp': wsgidav --port=80 --host= --root=/temp Run using a specific configuration file: wsgidav --port=80 --host= --config=~/wsgidav.conf If no config file is specified, the application will look for a file named 'wsgidav.conf' in the current directory. See for some explanation of the configuration file format. """ epilog = """\ Licensed under the MIT license. See for additional information. """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog="wsgidav", description=description, epilog=epilog, # allow_abbrev=False, # Py3.5+ formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter, ) parser.add_argument("-p", "--port", dest="port", type=int, # default=8080, help="port to serve on (default: 8080)") parser.add_argument("-H", "--host", # '-h' conflicts with --help dest="host", # default="localhost", help=("host to serve from (default: localhost). 'localhost' is only " "accessible from the local computer. Use to make your " "application public")), parser.add_argument("-r", "--root", dest="root_path", action=FullExpandedPath, # type=arg_is_dir, help="path to a file system folder to publish as share '/'.") parser.add_argument("--server", choices=("cheroot", "cherrypy-wsgiserver", "ext-wsgiutils", "flup-fcgi", "flup-fcgi-fork", "paste", "wsgiref"), default="cheroot", help="type of pre-installed WSGI server to use (default: %(default)s).") parser.add_argument("--ssl-adapter", choices=("builtin", "pyopenssl"), default="builtin", help="used by 'cheroot' server if SSL certificates are configured " "(default: %(default)s.") parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", action="count", default=3, help="increment verbosity by one (default: %(default)s, range: 0..5)") parser.add_argument("-q", "--quiet", default=0, action="count", help="decrement verbosity by one") parser.add_argument("-c", "--config", dest="config_file", action=FullExpandedPath, help=("configuration file (default: {} in current directory)" .format(DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILES))) parser.add_argument("--no-config", action="store_true", dest="no_config", help="do not try to load default {}".format(DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILES)) parser.add_argument("-V", "--version", # action="version", # version=__version__, action="store_true", help="print version info and exit (may be combined with --verbose)", ) args = parser.parse_args() if args.quiet and args.verbose > 3: parser.error("-v and -q are mutually exclusive") args.verbose -= args.quiet del args.quiet # if args.verbose >= 4: # print("Verbosity: {}".format(args.verbose)) if args.root_path and not os.path.isdir(args.root_path): msg = "{} is not a directory".format(args.root_path) raise parser.error(msg) if args.version: if args.verbose >= 4: import platform msg = "WsgiDAV/{} Python/{} {}".format( __version__, util.PYTHON_VERSION, platform.platform()) else: msg = "{}".format(__version__) print(msg) sys.exit() if args.no_config: if args.config_file: parser.error("--config and --no-config are mutually exclusive") # ... else ignore default config files elif args.config_file is None: # If --config was omitted, use default (if it exists) for filename in DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILES: defPath = os.path.abspath(filename) if os.path.exists(defPath): if args.verbose >= 3: print("Using default configuration file: {}".format(defPath)) args.config_file = defPath break else: # If --config was specified convert to absolute path and assert it exists args.config_file = os.path.abspath(args.config_file) if not os.path.isfile(args.config_file): parser.error("Could not find specified configuration file: {}" .format(args.config_file)) # Convert args object to dictionary cmdLineOpts = args.__dict__.copy() if args.verbose >= 4: print("Command line args:") for k, v in cmdLineOpts.items(): print(" {:>12}: {}".format(k, v)) return cmdLineOpts def _readConfigFile(config_file, verbose): """Read configuration file options into a dictionary.""" if not os.path.exists(config_file): raise RuntimeError("Couldn't open configuration file '{}'.".format(config_file)) if config_file.endswith(".json"): with, mode="r", encoding="utf-8") as json_file: # Minify the JSON file to strip embedded comments minified = jsmin( return json.loads(minified) elif config_file.endswith(".yaml"): with, mode="r", encoding="utf-8") as yaml_file: return yaml.safe_load(yaml_file) try: import imp conf = {} configmodule = imp.load_source("configuration_module", config_file) for k, v in vars(configmodule).items(): if k.startswith("__"): continue elif isfunction(v): continue conf[k] = v except Exception: # if verbose >= 1: # traceback.print_exc() exceptioninfo = traceback.format_exception_only(sys.exc_type, sys.exc_value) exceptiontext = "" for einfo in exceptioninfo: exceptiontext += einfo + "\n" # raise RuntimeError("Failed to read configuration file: " + config_file + "\nDue to " # + exceptiontext) print("Failed to read configuration file: " + config_file + "\nDue to " + exceptiontext, file=sys.stderr) raise return conf def _initConfig(): """Setup configuration dictionary from default, command line and configuration file.""" cmdLineOpts = _initCommandLineOptions() # Set config defaults config = DEFAULT_CONFIG.copy() if cmdLineOpts["verbose"] is None: temp_verbose = config["verbose"] else: temp_verbose = cmdLineOpts["verbose"] # print "verbose #1: ", temp_verbose # Configuration file overrides defaults config_file = cmdLineOpts.get("config_file") if config_file: fileConf = _readConfigFile(config_file, temp_verbose) config.update(fileConf) else: if temp_verbose >= 2: print("Running without configuration file.") # print "verbose #2: ", config.get("verbose") # Command line overrides file if cmdLineOpts.get("port"): config["port"] = cmdLineOpts.get("port") if cmdLineOpts.get("host"): config["host"] = cmdLineOpts.get("host") if cmdLineOpts.get("verbose") is not None: config["verbose"] = cmdLineOpts.get("verbose") if cmdLineOpts.get("profile") is not None: config["profile"] = True if cmdLineOpts.get("server") is not None: config["server"] = cmdLineOpts.get("server") if cmdLineOpts.get("ssl_adapter") is not None: config["ssl_adapter"] = cmdLineOpts.get("ssl_adapter") if cmdLineOpts.get("root_path"): root_path = os.path.abspath(cmdLineOpts.get("root_path")) config["provider_mapping"]["/"] = FilesystemProvider(root_path) if config["verbose"] >= 4: print("Configuration({}):\n{}" .format(cmdLineOpts["config_file"], pformat(config))) # if not useLxml and config["verbose"] >= 1: # print("WARNING: Could not import lxml: using xml instead (slower). Consider installing" # "lxml from") # print "verbose #3: ", config.get("verbose") if not config["provider_mapping"]: print("ERROR: No DAV provider defined. Try --help option.", file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(-1) # raise RuntimeWarning("At least one DAV provider must be specified by a --root option," # or in a configuration file.") if cmdLineOpts.get("reload"): print("Installing paste.reloader.", file=sys.stderr) from paste import reloader # @UnresolvedImport reloader.install() if config_file: # Add config file changes reloader.watch_file(config_file) # import pydevd # pydevd.settrace() return config def _runPaste(app, config, mode): """Run WsgiDAV using paste.httpserver, if Paste is installed. See for more options """ from paste import httpserver version = "WsgiDAV/{} {} Python {}".format( __version__, httpserver.WSGIHandler.server_version, util.PYTHON_VERSION)"Running {}...".format(version)) # See for more options server = httpserver.serve(app, host=config["host"], port=config["port"], server_version=version, # This option enables handling of keep-alive # and expect-100: protocol_version="HTTP/1.1", start_loop=False ) if config["verbose"] >= 5: __handle_one_request = server.RequestHandlerClass.handle_one_request def handle_one_request(self): __handle_one_request(self) if self.close_connection == 1: _logger.debug("HTTP Connection : close") else: _logger.debug("HTTP Connection : continue") server.RequestHandlerClass.handle_one_request = handle_one_request __handle = server.RequestHandlerClass.handle def handle(self): _logger.debug("open HTTP connection") __handle(self) server.RequestHandlerClass.handle_one_request = handle_one_request host, port = server.server_address if host == "":"Serving on{} view at {}://{}".format(port, "http", port)) else:"Serving on {}://{}:{}".format("http", host, port)) try: server.serve_forever() except KeyboardInterrupt: _logger.warn("Caught Ctrl-C, shutting down...") return def _runCherryPy(app, config, mode): """Run WsgiDAV using cherrypy.wsgiserver if CherryPy is installed.""" assert mode == "cherrypy-wsgiserver" try: from cherrypy import wsgiserver from cherrypy.wsgiserver.ssl_builtin import BuiltinSSLAdapter _logger.warn("WARNING: cherrypy.wsgiserver is deprecated.") _logger.warn( " Starting with CherryPy 9.0 the functionality from cherrypy.wsgiserver") _logger.warn(" was moved to the cheroot project.") _logger.warn(" Consider using --server=cheroot.") except ImportError: _logger.error("*" * 78) _logger.error("ERROR: Could not import cherrypy.wsgiserver.") _logger.error( "Try `pip install cherrypy` or specify another server using the --server option.") _logger.error("Note that starting with CherryPy 9.0, the server was moved to") _logger.error("the cheroot project, so it is recommended to use `-server=cheroot`") _logger.error("and run `pip install cheroot` instead.") _logger.error("*" * 78) raise server_name = "WsgiDAV/{} {} Python/{}".format( __version__, wsgiserver.CherryPyWSGIServer.version, util.PYTHON_VERSION) wsgiserver.CherryPyWSGIServer.version = server_name # Support SSL ssl_certificate = _get_checked_path(config.get("ssl_certificate")) ssl_private_key = _get_checked_path(config.get("ssl_private_key")) ssl_certificate_chain = _get_checked_path(config.get("ssl_certificate_chain")) protocol = "http" if ssl_certificate: assert ssl_private_key wsgiserver.CherryPyWSGIServer.ssl_adapter = BuiltinSSLAdapter( ssl_certificate, ssl_private_key, ssl_certificate_chain) protocol = "https""SSL / HTTPS enabled.")"Running {}".format(server_name))"Serving on {}://{}:{} ...".format(protocol, config["host"], config["port"])) server_args = {"bind_addr": (config["host"], config["port"]), "wsgi_app": app, "server_name": server_name, } # Override or add custom args server_args.update(config.get("server_args", {})) server = wsgiserver.CherryPyWSGIServer(**server_args) # If the caller passed a startup event, monkey patch the server to set it # when the request handler loop is entered startup_event = config.get("startup_event") if startup_event: def _patched_tick(): server.tick = org_tick # undo the monkey patch org_tick()"CherryPyWSGIServer is ready") startup_event.set() org_tick = server.tick server.tick = _patched_tick try: server.start() except KeyboardInterrupt: _logger.warn("Caught Ctrl-C, shutting down...") finally: server.stop() return def _runCheroot(app, config, mode): """Run WsgiDAV using cheroot.server if Cheroot is installed.""" assert mode == "cheroot" try: from cheroot import server, wsgi # from cheroot.ssl.builtin import BuiltinSSLAdapter # import cheroot.ssl.pyopenssl except ImportError: _logger.error("*" * 78) _logger.error("ERROR: Could not import Cheroot.") _logger.error( "Try `pip install cheroot` or specify another server using the --server option.") _logger.error("*" * 78) raise server_name = "WsgiDAV/{} {} Python/{}".format( __version__, wsgi.Server.version, util.PYTHON_VERSION) wsgi.Server.version = server_name # Support SSL ssl_certificate = _get_checked_path(config.get("ssl_certificate")) ssl_private_key = _get_checked_path(config.get("ssl_private_key")) ssl_certificate_chain = _get_checked_path(config.get("ssl_certificate_chain")) ssl_adapter = config.get("ssl_adapter", "builtin") protocol = "http" if ssl_certificate and ssl_private_key: ssl_adapter = server.get_ssl_adapter_class(ssl_adapter) wsgi.Server.ssl_adapter = ssl_adapter( ssl_certificate, ssl_private_key, ssl_certificate_chain) protocol = "https""SSL / HTTPS enabled. Adapter: {}".format(ssl_adapter)) elif ssl_certificate or ssl_private_key: raise RuntimeError("Option 'ssl_certificate' and 'ssl_private_key' must be used together.") # elif ssl_adapter: # print("WARNING: Ignored option 'ssl_adapter' (requires 'ssl_certificate').")"Running {}".format(server_name))"Serving on {}://{}:{} ...".format(protocol, config["host"], config["port"])) server_args = {"bind_addr": (config["host"], config["port"]), "wsgi_app": app, "server_name": server_name, } # Override or add custom args server_args.update(config.get("server_args", {})) server = wsgi.Server(**server_args) # If the caller passed a startup event, monkey patch the server to set it # when the request handler loop is entered startup_event = config.get("startup_event") if startup_event: def _patched_tick(): server.tick = org_tick # undo the monkey patch"wsgi.Server is ready") startup_event.set() org_tick() org_tick = server.tick server.tick = _patched_tick try: server.start() except KeyboardInterrupt: _logger.warn("Caught Ctrl-C, shutting down...") finally: server.stop() return def _runFlup(app, config, mode): """Run WsgiDAV using flup.server.fcgi, if Flup is installed.""" # if mode == "flup-fcgi": from flup.server.fcgi import WSGIServer, __version__ as flupver elif mode == "flup-fcgi-fork": from flup.server.fcgi_fork import WSGIServer, __version__ as flupver else: raise ValueError"Running WsgiDAV/{} {}/{}..." .format(__version__, WSGIServer.__module__, flupver)) server = WSGIServer(app, bindAddress=(config["host"], config["port"]), # debug=True, ) try: except KeyboardInterrupt: _logger.warn("Caught Ctrl-C, shutting down...") return def _runWsgiref(app, config, mode): """Run WsgiDAV using wsgiref.simple_server, on Python 2.5+.""" # from wsgiref.simple_server import make_server, software_version version = "WsgiDAV/{} {}".format(__version__, software_version)"Running {}...".format(version)) _logger.warn("WARNING: This single threaded server (wsgiref) is not meant for production.") httpd = make_server(config["host"], config["port"], app) try: httpd.serve_forever() except KeyboardInterrupt: _logger.warn("Caught Ctrl-C, shutting down...") return def _runExtWsgiutils(app, config, mode): """Run WsgiDAV using ext_wsgiutils_server from the wsgidav package.""" from wsgidav.server import ext_wsgiutils_server"Running WsgiDAV {} on wsgidav.ext_wsgiutils_server...".format(__version__)) _logger.warn( "WARNING: This single threaded server (ext-wsgiutils) is not meant for production.") try: ext_wsgiutils_server.serve(config, app) except KeyboardInterrupt: _logger.warn("Caught Ctrl-C, shutting down...") return
[docs]def run(): SUPPORTED_SERVERS = {"paste": _runPaste, "cheroot": _runCheroot, "cherrypy": _runCherryPy, "ext-wsgiutils": _runExtWsgiutils, "flup-fcgi": _runFlup, "flup-fcgi_fork": _runFlup, "wsgiref": _runWsgiref, } config = _initConfig() util.initLogging(config["verbose"], config.get("enable_loggers", [])) app = WsgiDAVApp(config) server = config["server"] handler = SUPPORTED_SERVERS.get(server) if not handler: raise RuntimeError("Unsupported server type {!r} (expected {!r})" .format(server, "', '".join(SUPPORTED_SERVERS.keys()))) if not useLxml: # and config["verbose"] >= 1: _logger.warn("WARNING: Could not import lxml: using xml instead (slower). " "Consider installing lxml") handler(app, config, server)
if __name__ == "__main__": # Just in case... from multiprocessing import freeze_support freeze_support() run()