Source code for wsgidav.wsgidav_app

# (c) 2009-2018 Martin Wendt and contributors; see WsgiDAV
# Original PyFileServer (c) 2005 Ho Chun Wei.
# Licensed under the MIT license:
WSGI container, that handles the HTTP requests. This object is passed to the
WSGI server and represents our WsgiDAV application to the outside.

On init:

    Use the configuration dictionary to initialize lock manager, property manager,
    domain controller.

    Create a dictionary of share-to-provider mappings.

    Initialize middleware objects and RequestResolver and setup the WSGI
    application stack.

For every request:

    Find the registered DAV provider for the current request.

    Add or modify info in the WSGI ``environ``:

            Mount-point of the current share.
            Resource path, relative to the mount path.
            DAVProvider object that is registered for handling the current
            Configuration dictionary.
            Debug level [0-3].

    Log the HTTP request, then pass the request to the first middleware.

    Note: The OPTIONS method for the '*' path is handled directly.

import sys
import time

from wsgidav import compat, util
from wsgidav.dav_provider import DAVProvider
from wsgidav.debug_filter import WsgiDavDebugFilter
from wsgidav.dir_browser import WsgiDavDirBrowser
from wsgidav.error_printer import ErrorPrinter
from wsgidav.fs_dav_provider import FilesystemProvider
from wsgidav.http_authenticator import HTTPAuthenticator
from wsgidav.lock_manager import LockManager
from wsgidav.lock_storage import LockStorageDict
from wsgidav.property_manager import PropertyManager
from wsgidav.request_resolver import RequestResolver
from wsgidav.util import safeReEncode

__docformat__ = "reStructuredText"

_logger = util.getModuleLogger(__name__)

# Use these settings, if config file does not define them (or is totally
# missing)
    "mount_path": None,  # Application root, e.g. <mount_path>/<share_name>/<res_path>
    "provider_mapping": {},
    "host": "localhost",
    "port": 8080,
    "server": "cheroot",
    "add_header_MS_Author_Via": True,
    "unquote_path_info": False,  # See #8
    "re_encode_path_info": None,  # (See #73) None: activate on Python 3
    #    "use_text_files": False,

    "propsmanager": None,  # True: use property_manager.PropertyManager
    "locksmanager": True,  # True: use lock_manager.LockManager

    # HTTP Authentication Options
    "user_mapping": {},       # dictionary of dictionaries
    # None: domain_controller.WsgiDAVDomainController(user_mapping)
    "domaincontroller": None,
    "acceptbasic": True,      # Allow basic authentication, True or False
    "acceptdigest": True,     # Allow digest authentication, True or False
    "defaultdigest": True,    # True (default digest) or False (default basic)
    # Name of a header field that will be accepted as authorized user
    "trusted_auth_header": None,

    # Error printer options
    "catchall": False,

    "enable_loggers": [

    # Verbose Output
    "verbose": 1,        # 0 - no output (excepting application exceptions)
                         # 1 - show single line request summaries (for HTTP logging)
                         # 2 - show additional events
                         # 3 - show full request/response header info (HTTP Logging)
                         #     request body and GET response bodies not shown

    "dir_browser": {
        "enable": True,               # Render HTML listing for GET requests on collections
        "response_trailer": "",       # Raw HTML code, appended as footer
        # Send <dm:mount> response if request URL contains '?davmount'
        "davmount": False,
        # Add an 'open as webfolder' link (requires Windows)
        "ms_mount": False,
        "ms_sharepoint_plugin": True,  # Invoke MS Offce documents for editing using WebDAV
        "ms_sharepoint_urls": False,  # Prepend 'ms-word:ofe|u|' to URL for MS Offce documents
    "middleware_stack": [

def _checkConfig(config):
    mandatoryFields = ["provider_mapping",
    for field in mandatoryFields:
        if field not in config:
            raise ValueError(
                "Invalid configuration: missing required field '{}'".format(field))

# ========================================================================
# WsgiDAVApp
# ========================================================================
[docs]class WsgiDAVApp(object): def __init__(self, config): self.config = config # Do not initialize logging here, because we want to keep silence in library-mode # util.initLogging(config["verbose"], config.get("enable_loggers", []))"Default encoding: {} (file system: {})" .format(sys.getdefaultencoding(), sys.getfilesystemencoding())) # Evaluate configuration and set defaults _checkConfig(config) provider_mapping = self.config["provider_mapping"] # response_trailer = config.get("response_trailer", "") self._verbose = config.get("verbose", 3) lockStorage = config.get("locksmanager") if lockStorage is True: lockStorage = LockStorageDict() if not lockStorage: locksManager = None else: locksManager = LockManager(lockStorage) propsManager = config.get("propsmanager") if not propsManager: # Normalize False, 0 to None propsManager = None elif propsManager is True: propsManager = PropertyManager() mount_path = config.get("mount_path") # Instantiate DAV resource provider objects for every share self.providerMap = {} for (share, provider) in provider_mapping.items(): # Make sure share starts with, or is, '/' share = "/" + share.strip("/") # We allow a simple string as 'provider'. In this case we interpret # it as a file system root folder that is published. if compat.is_basestring(provider): provider = FilesystemProvider(provider) assert isinstance(provider, DAVProvider) provider.setSharePath(share) if mount_path: provider.setMountPath(mount_path) # TODO: someday we may want to configure different lock/prop # managers per provider provider.setLockManager(locksManager) provider.setPropManager(propsManager) self.providerMap[share] = { "provider": provider, "allow_anonymous": False, } # Define WSGI application stack application = RequestResolver() domain_controller = None dir_browser = config.get("dir_browser", {}) middleware_stack = config.get("middleware_stack", []) if dir_browser.get("app_class"): _logger.error("") # # Replace WsgiDavDirBrowser to custom class for backward compatibility only # # In normal way you should insert it into middleware_stack # if dir_browser.get("enable", True) and "app_class" in dir_browser.keys(): # config["middleware_stack"] = [m if m != WsgiDavDirBrowser else dir_browser[ # "app_class"] for m in middleware_stack]"Middleware stack:") for mw in middleware_stack: if mw.isSuitable(config): # if self._verbose >= 2:" - {}".format(mw)) application = mw(application, config) if issubclass(mw, HTTPAuthenticator): domain_controller = application.getDomainController() # check anonymous access for share, data in self.providerMap.items(): if application.allowAnonymousAccess(share): data["allow_anonymous"] = True else: # if self._verbose >= 2: _logger.warn("- SKIPPING middleware {} (not suitable)".format(mw)) # Print info if self._verbose >= 3:"Using lock manager: {!r}".format(locksManager))"Using property manager: {!r}".format(propsManager))"Using domain controller: {!r}".format(domain_controller))"Registered DAV providers:") for share, data in self.providerMap.items(): hint = " (anonymous)" if data["allow_anonymous"] else """ Share '{}': {}{}".format(share, provider, hint)) if self._verbose >= 2: for share, data in self.providerMap.items(): if data["allow_anonymous"]: # TODO: we should only warn here, if --no-auth is not given _logger.warn("WARNING: share '{}' will allow anonymous access.".format(share)) self._application = application
[docs] def __call__(self, environ, start_response): # util.log("SCRIPT_NAME='{}', PATH_INFO='{}'".format( # environ.get("SCRIPT_NAME"), environ.get("PATH_INFO"))) path = environ["PATH_INFO"] # (#73) Failed on processing non-iso-8859-1 characters on Python 3 # # Note: we encode using UTF-8 here (falling back to ISO-8859-1)! # This seems to be wrong, since per PEP 3333 PATH_INFO is always ISO-8859-1 encoded # (see # But also seems to resolve errors when accessing resources with Chinese characters, for # example. # This is done by default for Python 3, but can be turned off in settings. re_encode_path_info = self.config.get("re_encode_path_info") if re_encode_path_info is None: re_encode_path_info = compat.PY3 if re_encode_path_info: b = compat.wsgi_to_bytes(path).decode() path = environ["PATH_INFO"] = b # We optionally unquote PATH_INFO here, although this should already be # done by the server (#8). if self.config.get("unquote_path_info", False): path = compat.unquote(environ["PATH_INFO"]) # GC issue 22: Pylons sends root as u'/' # if isinstance(path, unicode): if not compat.is_native(path): _logger.warn("Got non-native PATH_INFO: {!r}".format(path)) # path = path.encode("utf8") path = compat.to_native(path) # Always adding these values to environ: environ["wsgidav.config"] = self.config environ["wsgidav.provider"] = None environ["wsgidav.verbose"] = self._verbose # Find DAV provider that matches the share # sorting share list by reverse length # shareList = self.providerMap.keys() # shareList.sort(key=len, reverse=True) shareList = sorted(self.providerMap.keys(), key=len, reverse=True) share = None for r in shareList: # @@: Case sensitivity should be an option of some sort here; # os.path.normpath might give the preferred case for a filename. if r == "/": share = r break elif path.upper() == r.upper() or path.upper().startswith(r.upper() + "/"): share = r break # Note: we call the next app, even if provider is None, because OPTIONS # must still be handled. # All other requests will result in '404 Not Found' if share is not None: share_data = self.providerMap.get(share) environ["wsgidav.provider"] = share_data["provider"] # TODO: test with multi-level realms: 'aa/bb' # TODO: test security: url contains '..' # Transform SCRIPT_NAME and PATH_INFO # (Since path and share are unquoted, this also fixes quoted values.) if share == "/" or not share: environ["PATH_INFO"] = path else: environ["SCRIPT_NAME"] += share environ["PATH_INFO"] = path[len(share):] # util.log("--> SCRIPT_NAME='{}', PATH_INFO='{}'" # .format(environ.get("SCRIPT_NAME"), environ.get("PATH_INFO"))) # assert isinstance(path, str) assert compat.is_native(path) # See # for some clarification about SCRIPT_NAME/PATH_INFO format # SCRIPT_NAME starts with '/' or is empty assert environ["SCRIPT_NAME"] == "" or environ[ "SCRIPT_NAME"].startswith("/") # SCRIPT_NAME must not have a trailing '/' assert environ["SCRIPT_NAME"] in ( "", "/") or not environ["SCRIPT_NAME"].endswith("/") # PATH_INFO starts with '/' assert environ["PATH_INFO"] == "" or environ[ "PATH_INFO"].startswith("/") start_time = time.time() def _start_response_wrapper(status, response_headers, exc_info=None): # Postprocess response headers headerDict = {} for header, value in response_headers: if header.lower() in headerDict: _logger.error("Duplicate header in response: {}".format(header)) headerDict[header.lower()] = value # Check if we should close the connection after this request. # forceCloseConnection = False currentContentLength = headerDict.get("content-length") statusCode = int(status.split(" ", 1)[0]) contentLengthRequired = (environ["REQUEST_METHOD"] != "HEAD" and statusCode >= 200 and statusCode not in (204, 304)) #["REQUEST_METHOD"], statusCode, contentLengthRequired) if contentLengthRequired and currentContentLength in (None, ""): # A typical case: a GET request on a virtual resource, for which # the provider doesn't know the length _logger.error( "Missing required Content-Length header in {}-response: closing connection" .format(statusCode)) forceCloseConnection = True elif not type(currentContentLength) is str: _logger.error( "Invalid Content-Length header in response ({!r}): closing connection" .format(headerDict.get("content-length"))) forceCloseConnection = True # HOTFIX for Vista and Windows 7 (GC issue 13, issue 23) # It seems that we must read *all* of the request body, otherwise # clients may miss the response. # For example Vista MiniRedir didn't understand a 401 response, # when trying an anonymous PUT of big files. As a consequence, it # doesn't retry with credentials and the file copy fails. # (XP is fine however). util.readAndDiscardInput(environ) # Make sure the socket is not reused, unless we are 100% sure all # current input was consumed if(util.getContentLength(environ) != 0 and not environ.get("wsgidav.all_input_read")): _logger.error("Input stream not completely consumed: closing connection") forceCloseConnection = True if forceCloseConnection and headerDict.get("connection") != "close": _logger.error("Adding 'Connection: close' header") response_headers.append(("Connection", "close")) # Log request if self._verbose >= 3: userInfo = environ.get("http_authenticator.username") if not userInfo: userInfo = "(anonymous)" extra = [] if "HTTP_DESTINATION" in environ: extra.append('dest="{}"'.format(environ.get("HTTP_DESTINATION"))) if environ.get("CONTENT_LENGTH", "") != "": extra.append("length={}".format(environ.get("CONTENT_LENGTH"))) if "HTTP_DEPTH" in environ: extra.append("depth={}".format(environ.get("HTTP_DEPTH"))) if "HTTP_RANGE" in environ: extra.append("range={}".format(environ.get("HTTP_RANGE"))) if "HTTP_OVERWRITE" in environ: extra.append("overwrite={}".format(environ.get("HTTP_OVERWRITE"))) if self._verbose >= 1 and "HTTP_EXPECT" in environ: extra.append('expect="{}"'.format(environ.get("HTTP_EXPECT"))) if self._verbose >= 2 and "HTTP_CONNECTION" in environ: extra.append('connection="{}"'.format(environ.get("HTTP_CONNECTION"))) if self._verbose >= 2 and "HTTP_USER_AGENT" in environ: extra.append('agent="{}"'.format(environ.get("HTTP_USER_AGENT"))) if self._verbose >= 2 and "HTTP_TRANSFER_ENCODING" in environ: extra.append("transfer-enc={}".format(environ.get("HTTP_TRANSFER_ENCODING"))) if self._verbose >= 1: extra.append("elap={:.3f}sec".format(time.time() - start_time)) extra = ", ".join(extra) # This is the CherryPy format: # - - [08/Jul/2009:17:25:23] "GET /loginPrompt?redirect=/renderActionList%3Frelation%3Dpersonal%26key%3D%26filter%3DprivateSchedule&reason=0 HTTP/1.1" 200 1944 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; de; rv:1.9.1) Gecko/20090624 Firefox/3.5" # noqa'{} - {} - [{}] "{}" {} -> {}'.format( environ.get("REMOTE_ADDR", ""), userInfo, util.getLogTime(), environ.get("REQUEST_METHOD") + " " + safeReEncode(environ.get("PATH_INFO", ""), sys.stdout.encoding), extra, status, # response_headers.get(""), # response Content-Length # referer )) return start_response(status, response_headers, exc_info) # Call next middleware app_iter = self._application(environ, _start_response_wrapper) for v in app_iter: yield v if hasattr(app_iter, "close"): app_iter.close() return