
You are looking at outdated documentation for version 1.x. A newer version is available. wsgidav.xml_tools

Small wrapper for different etree packages.

See Developers info for more information about the WsgiDAV architecture.


StringIO StringIO([s]) – Return a StringIO-like stream for reading or writing
elementContentAsString(element) Serialize etree.Element.
makeMultistatusEL() Wrapper for etree.Element, that takes care of unsupported nsmap option.
makePropEL() Wrapper for etree.Element, that takes care of unsupported nsmap option.
makeSubElement(parent, tag[, nsmap]) Wrapper for etree.SubElement, that takes care of unsupported nsmap option.
stringToXML(text) Convert XML string into etree.Element.
xmlToString(element[, pretty_print]) Wrapper for etree.tostring, that takes care of unsupported pretty_print option and prepends an encoding header.