
You are looking at outdated documentation for version 1.x. A newer version is available. wsgidav.debug_filterΒΆ

WSGI middleware used for debugging (optional).

This module dumps request and response information to the console, depending on current debug configuration.

On init:
Define HTTP methods and litmus tests, that should turn on the verbose mode (currently hard coded).
For every request:

Increase value of environ['verbose'], if the request should be debugged. Also dump request and response headers and body.

Then pass the request to the next middleware.

These configuration settings are evaluated:


This is also used by other modules. This filter adds additional information depending on the value.

verbose Effect
0 No additional output.
1 No additional output (only standard request logging).
2 Dump headers of all requests and responses.
3 Dump headers and bodies of all requests and responses.

Boost verbosity to 3 while processing certain request methods. This option is ignored, when verbose < 2.

Configured like:

debug_methods = ["PROPPATCH", "PROPFIND", "GET", "HEAD","DELETE",
                 "PUT", "COPY", "MOVE", "LOCK", "UNLOCK",

Boost verbosity to 3 while processing litmus tests that contain certain substrings. This option is ignored, when verbose < 2.

Configured like:

debug_litmus = ["notowner_modify", "props: 16", ]

See Developers info for more information about the WsgiDAV architecture.


WsgiDavDebugFilter(application, config)