# (c) 2009-2024 Martin Wendt and contributors; see WsgiDAV https://github.com/mar10/wsgidav
# Original PyFileServer (c) 2005 Ho Chun Wei.
# Licensed under the MIT license:
# http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
Implementation of a DAV provider that serves resource from a file system.
:class:`~wsgidav.fs_dav_provider.FilesystemProvider` implements a DAV resource
provider that publishes a file system.
If ``readonly=True`` is passed, write attempts will raise HTTP_FORBIDDEN.
This provider creates instances of :class:`~wsgidav.fs_dav_provider.FileResource`
and :class:`~wsgidav.fs_dav_provider.FolderResource` to represent files and
directories respectively.
import os
import shutil
import stat
import sys
from typing import List
from wsgidav import util
from wsgidav.dav_error import HTTP_FORBIDDEN, DAVError
from wsgidav.dav_provider import DAVCollection, DAVNonCollection, DAVProvider
__docformat__ = "reStructuredText"
_logger = util.get_module_logger(__name__)
# ========================================================================
# FileResource
# ========================================================================
class FileResource(DAVNonCollection):
"""Represents a single existing DAV resource instance.
See also _DAVResource, DAVNonCollection, and FilesystemProvider.
def __init__(self, path: str, environ: dict, file_path: str):
super().__init__(path, environ)
self._file_path: str = file_path
self.file_stat: os.stat_result = os.stat(self._file_path)
# Setting the name from the file path should fix the case on Windows
self.name: str = os.path.basename(self._file_path)
self.name = util.to_str(self.name)
# Getter methods for standard live properties
def get_content_length(self):
return self.file_stat[stat.ST_SIZE]
def get_content_type(self):
return util.guess_mime_type(self.path)
def get_creation_date(self):
return self.file_stat[stat.ST_CTIME]
def get_display_name(self):
return self.name
def get_etag(self):
return util.get_file_etag(self._file_path)
def get_last_modified(self):
return self.file_stat[stat.ST_MTIME]
def is_link(self):
return os.path.islink(self._file_path)
def support_etag(self):
return True
def support_ranges(self):
return True
def get_content(self):
"""Open content as a stream for reading.
See DAVResource.get_content()
assert not self.is_collection
# GC issue 28, 57: if we open in text mode, \r\n is converted to one byte.
# So the file size reported by Windows differs from len(..), thus
# content-length will be wrong.
return open(self._file_path, "rb", BUFFER_SIZE)
def begin_write(self, *, content_type=None):
"""Open content as a stream for writing.
See DAVResource.begin_write()
assert not self.is_collection
if self.provider.readonly:
# _logger.debug("begin_write: {}, {}".format(self._file_path, "wb"))
# GC issue 57: always store as binary
return open(self._file_path, "wb", BUFFER_SIZE)
def delete(self):
"""Remove this resource or collection (recursive).
See DAVResource.delete()
if self.provider.readonly:
def copy_move_single(self, dest_path, *, is_move):
"""See DAVResource.copy_move_single()"""
if self.provider.readonly:
fpDest = self.provider._loc_to_file_path(dest_path, self.environ)
assert not util.is_equal_or_child_uri(self.path, dest_path)
# Copy file (overwrite, if exists)
shutil.copy2(self._file_path, fpDest)
# (Live properties are copied by copy2 or copystat)
# Copy dead properties
propMan = self.provider.prop_manager
if propMan:
destRes = self.provider.get_resource_inst(dest_path, self.environ)
if is_move:
self.get_ref_url(), destRes.get_ref_url(), self.environ
def support_recursive_move(self, dest_path):
"""Return True, if move_recursive() is available (see comments there)."""
return True
def move_recursive(self, dest_path):
"""See DAVResource.move_recursive()"""
if self.provider.readonly:
fpDest = self.provider._loc_to_file_path(dest_path, self.environ)
assert not util.is_equal_or_child_uri(self.path, dest_path)
assert not os.path.exists(fpDest)
_logger.debug(f"move_recursive({self._file_path}, {fpDest})")
shutil.move(self._file_path, fpDest)
# (Live properties are copied by copy2 or copystat)
# Move dead properties
if self.provider.prop_manager:
destRes = self.provider.get_resource_inst(dest_path, self.environ)
def set_last_modified(self, dest_path, time_stamp, *, dry_run):
"""Set last modified time for destPath to timeStamp on epoch-format"""
# Translate time from RFC 1123 to seconds since epoch format
secs = util.parse_time_string(time_stamp)
if not dry_run:
os.utime(self._file_path, (secs, secs))
return True
# ========================================================================
# FolderResource
# ========================================================================
class FolderResource(DAVCollection):
"""Represents a single existing file system folder DAV resource.
See also _DAVResource, DAVCollection, and FilesystemProvider.
def __init__(self, path: str, environ: dict, file_path):
super().__init__(path, environ)
self._file_path: str = file_path
self.file_stat: os.stat_result = os.stat(self._file_path)
self.fs_opts = self.provider
# Setting the name from the file path should fix the case on Windows
self.name = os.path.basename(self._file_path)
self.name = util.to_str(self.name) # .encode("utf8")
# Getter methods for standard live properties
def get_creation_date(self):
return self.file_stat[stat.ST_CTIME]
def get_display_name(self):
return self.name
def get_directory_info(self):
return None
def get_etag(self):
return None
def get_used_bytes(self):
return shutil.disk_usage(self._file_path).used
def get_available_bytes(self):
return shutil.disk_usage(self._file_path).free
def get_last_modified(self):
return self.file_stat[stat.ST_MTIME]
def is_link(self):
return os.path.islink(self._file_path)
def get_member_names(self) -> List[str]:
"""Return list of direct collection member names (utf-8 encoded).
See DAVCollection.get_member_names()
# On Windows NT/2k/XP and Unix, if path is a Unicode object, the result
# will be a list of Unicode objects.
# Undecodable filenames will still be returned as string objects
# If we don't request unicode, for example Vista may return a '?'
# instead of a special character. The name would then be unusable to
# build a distinct URL that references this resource.
nameList = []
# self._file_path is unicode, so os.listdir returns unicode as well
assert util.is_str(self._file_path)
# if "temp" in self._file_path:
# raise RuntimeError("Oops")
for name in os.listdir(self._file_path):
if not util.is_str(name):
name = name.decode(sys.getfilesystemencoding())
assert util.is_str(name)
# Skip non files (links and mount points)
fp = os.path.join(self._file_path, name)
# if not self.provider.fs_opts.get("follow_symlinks") and os.path.islink(fp):
# _logger.info(f"Skipping symlink {fp!r}")
# continue
if not os.path.isdir(fp) and not os.path.isfile(fp):
_logger.info(f"Skipping non-file {fp!r}")
# name = name.encode("utf8")
name = util.to_str(name)
return nameList
def get_member(self, name: str) -> FileResource:
"""Return direct collection member (DAVResource or derived).
See DAVCollection.get_member()
assert util.is_str(name), f"{name!r}"
fp = os.path.join(self._file_path, util.to_str(name))
# name = name.encode("utf8")
path = util.join_uri(self.path, name)
res = None
# if not self.provider.fs_opts.get("follow_symlinks") and os.path.islink(fp):
# _logger.info(f"Skipping symlink {path}")
# elif
if os.path.isdir(fp):
res = FolderResource(path, self.environ, fp)
elif os.path.isfile(fp):
res = FileResource(path, self.environ, fp)
_logger.debug(f"Skipping non-file {path}")
return res
# --- Read / write -------------------------------------------------------
def create_empty_resource(self, name):
"""Create an empty (length-0) resource.
See DAVResource.create_empty_resource()
assert "/" not in name
if self.provider.readonly:
path = util.join_uri(self.path, name)
fp = self.provider._loc_to_file_path(path, self.environ)
f = open(fp, "wb")
return self.provider.get_resource_inst(path, self.environ)
def create_collection(self, name):
"""Create a new collection as member of self.
See DAVResource.create_collection()
assert "/" not in name
if self.provider.readonly:
path = util.join_uri(self.path, name)
fp = self.provider._loc_to_file_path(path, self.environ)
def delete(self):
"""Remove this resource or collection (recursive).
See DAVResource.delete()
if self.provider.readonly:
shutil.rmtree(self._file_path, ignore_errors=False)
def copy_move_single(self, dest_path, *, is_move):
"""See DAVResource.copy_move_single()"""
if self.provider.readonly:
fpDest = self.provider._loc_to_file_path(dest_path, self.environ)
assert not util.is_equal_or_child_uri(self.path, dest_path)
# Create destination collection, if not exists
if not os.path.exists(fpDest):
# may raise: [Error 5] Permission denied:
# u'C:\\temp\\litmus\\ccdest'
shutil.copystat(self._file_path, fpDest)
except Exception:
_logger.exception(f"Could not copy folder stats: {self._file_path}")
# (Live properties are copied by copy2 or copystat)
# Copy dead properties
propMan = self.provider.prop_manager
if propMan:
destRes = self.provider.get_resource_inst(dest_path, self.environ)
if is_move:
self.get_ref_url(), destRes.get_ref_url(), self.environ
def support_recursive_move(self, dest_path):
"""Return True, if move_recursive() is available (see comments there)."""
return True
def move_recursive(self, dest_path):
"""See DAVResource.move_recursive()"""
if self.provider.readonly:
fpDest = self.provider._loc_to_file_path(dest_path, self.environ)
assert not util.is_equal_or_child_uri(self.path, dest_path)
assert not os.path.exists(fpDest)
_logger.debug(f"move_recursive({self._file_path}, {fpDest})")
shutil.move(self._file_path, fpDest)
# (Live properties are copied by copy2 or copystat)
# Move dead properties
if self.provider.prop_manager:
destRes = self.provider.get_resource_inst(dest_path, self.environ)
def set_last_modified(self, dest_path, time_stamp, *, dry_run):
"""Set last modified time for destPath to timeStamp on epoch-format"""
# Translate time from RFC 1123 to seconds since epoch format
secs = util.parse_time_string(time_stamp)
if not dry_run:
os.utime(self._file_path, (secs, secs))
return True
# ========================================================================
# FilesystemProvider
# ========================================================================
class FilesystemProvider(DAVProvider):
"""Default implementation of a filesystem DAVProvider.
root_folder (str)
readonly (bool)
fs_opts (dict | None): defaults to `config.fs_dav_provider`
shadow (dict): @deprecated (Use option `fs_provider.shadow_map` instead)
def __init__(self, root_folder, *, readonly=False, fs_opts=None):
# root_folder is typically already resolved relative to config file
# and has user ~ expanded
root_folder = os.path.abspath(root_folder)
if not root_folder or not os.path.exists(root_folder):
raise ValueError(f"Invalid root path: {root_folder}")
self.root_folder_path = root_folder
self.readonly = readonly
if fs_opts is None:
_logger.warning(f"{self}: no `fs_opts` parameter passed to constructor.")
fs_opts = {}
self.fs_opts = fs_opts
# Get shadow map and convert keys to lower case
self.shadow_map = self.fs_opts.get("shadow_map") or {}
if self.shadow_map:
self.shadow_map = {k.lower(): v for k, v in self.shadow_map.items()}
def __repr__(self):
rw = "Read-Only" if self.readonly else "Read-Write"
return f"{self.__class__.__name__} for path {self.root_folder_path!r} ({rw})"
def _resolve_shadow_path(self, path: str, environ: dict, file_path):
"""File not found: See if there is a shadow configured."""
shadow = self.shadow_map.get(path.lower())
# _logger.info(f"Shadow {path} -> {shadow} {self.shadow}")
if not shadow:
return False, file_path
err = None
method = environ["REQUEST_METHOD"].upper()
if method not in ("GET", "HEAD", "OPTIONS"):
err = f"Shadow {path} -> {shadow}: ignored for method {method!r}."
elif os.path.exists(file_path):
err = f"Shadow {path} -> {shadow}: ignored for existing resource {file_path!r}."
elif not os.path.exists(shadow):
err = f"Shadow {path} -> {shadow}: does not exist."
if err:
return False, file_path
_logger.info(f"Shadow {path} -> {shadow}")
return True, shadow
def _loc_to_file_path(self, path: str, environ: dict = None):
"""Convert resource path to a unicode absolute file path.
Optional environ argument may be useful e.g. in relation to per-user
sub-folder chrooting inside root_folder_path.
root_path = self.root_folder_path
assert root_path is not None
assert util.is_str(root_path)
assert util.is_str(path)
path_parts = path.strip("/").split("/")
file_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(root_path, *path_parts))
# Try alternative URL if not found (or even override target):
is_shadow, file_path = self._resolve_shadow_path(path, environ, file_path)
if not file_path.startswith(root_path) and not is_shadow:
raise RuntimeError(
f"Security exception: tried to access file outside root: {file_path}"
# Convert to unicode
file_path = util.to_unicode_safe(file_path)
return file_path
def get_resource_inst(self, path: str, environ: dict) -> FileResource:
"""Return info dictionary for path.
See DAVProvider.get_resource_inst()
self._count_get_resource_inst += 1
fp = self._loc_to_file_path(path, environ)
if not os.path.exists(fp):
return None
if not self.fs_opts.get("follow_symlinks") and os.path.islink(fp):
raise DAVError(HTTP_FORBIDDEN, f"Symlink support is disabled: {fp!r}")
if os.path.isdir(fp):
return FolderResource(path, environ, fp)
return FileResource(path, environ, fp)