Source code for wsgidav.lock_man.lock_manager

# (c) 2009-2024 Martin Wendt and contributors; see WsgiDAV
# Original PyFileServer (c) 2005 Ho Chun Wei.
# Licensed under the MIT license:
Implements the `LockManager` object that provides the locking functionality.

The LockManager requires a LockStorageDict object to implement persistence.
Two alternative lock storage classes are defined in the lock_storage module:

- wsgidav.lock_man.lock_storage.LockStorageDict
- wsgidav.lock_man.lock_storage.LockStorageShelve

The lock data model is a dictionary with these fields:

        Resource URL.
        Name of the authenticated user that created the lock.
        Must be 'write'.
        Must be 'shared' or 'exclusive'.
        Must be '0' or 'infinity'.
        String identifying the owner.
        Seconds remaining until lock expiration.
        This value is passed to create() and refresh()
        Converted timeout for persistence: expire = time() + timeout.
        Automatically generated unique token.

import random
import time
from pprint import pformat

from wsgidav import util
from wsgidav.dav_error import (
from wsgidav.rw_lock import ReadWriteLock

__docformat__ = "reStructuredText"

_logger = util.get_module_logger("wsgidav.lock_man")

# ========================================================================
# Tool functions
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[docs] def generate_lock_token(): return "opaquelocktoken:" + util.to_str(hex(random.getrandbits(256)))
[docs] def normalize_lock_root(path): # Normalize root: /foo/bar assert path path = util.to_str(path) path = "/" + path.strip("/") return path
[docs] def is_lock_expired(lock): expire = float(lock["expire"]) return expire >= 0 and expire < time.time()
[docs] def lock_string(lock_dict): """Return readable rep.""" if not lock_dict: return "Lock: None" if lock_dict["expire"] < 0: expire = "Infinite ({})".format(lock_dict["expire"]) else: expire = "{} (in {} seconds)".format( util.get_log_time(lock_dict["expire"]), lock_dict["expire"] - time.time() ) return "Lock(<{}..>, {!r}, {}, {}, depth-{}, until {}".format( # first 4 significant token characters lock_dict.get("token", "?" * 30)[18:22], lock_dict.get("root"), lock_dict.get("principal"), lock_dict.get("scope"), lock_dict.get("depth"), expire, )
[docs] def validate_lock(lock): assert util.is_str(lock["root"]) assert lock["root"].startswith("/") assert lock["type"] == "write" assert lock["scope"] in ("shared", "exclusive") assert lock["depth"] in ("0", "infinity") assert util.is_bytes(lock["owner"]), lock # XML bytestring # raises TypeError: timeout = float(lock["timeout"]) assert timeout > 0 or timeout == -1, "timeout must be positive or -1" assert util.is_str(lock["principal"]) if "token" in lock: assert util.is_str(lock["token"])
# ======================================================================== # LockManager # ========================================================================
[docs] class LockManager: """ Implements locking functionality using a custom storage layer. """ LOCK_TIME_OUT_DEFAULT = 604800 # 1 week, in seconds def __init__(self, storage): """ storage: LockManagerStorage object """ assert hasattr(storage, "get_lock_list") self._lock = ReadWriteLock() = storage def __del__(self): def __repr__(self): return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({!r})" def _dump(self, msg=""): urlDict = {} # { <url>: [<tokenlist>] } ownerDict = {} # { <LOCKOWNER>: [<tokenlist>] } userDict = {} # { <LOCKUSER>: [<tokenlist>] } tokenDict = {} # { <token>: <LOCKURLS> }"{self}: {msg}") for lock in "/", include_root=True, include_children=True, token_only=False ): tok = lock["token"] tokenDict[tok] = lock_string(lock) userDict.setdefault(lock["principal"], []).append(tok) ownerDict.setdefault(lock["owner"], []).append(tok) urlDict.setdefault(lock["root"], []).append(tok)"Locks:\n{pformat(tokenDict, indent=0, width=255)}") if tokenDict:"Locks by URL:\n{pformat(urlDict, indent=4, width=255)}") f"Locks by principal:\n{pformat(userDict, indent=4, width=255)}" )"Locks by owner:\n{pformat(ownerDict, indent=4, width=255)}") def _generate_lock( self, principal, lock_type, lock_scope, lock_depth, lock_owner, path, timeout ): """Acquire lock and return lock_dict. principal Name of the principal. lock_type Must be 'write'. lock_scope Must be 'shared' or 'exclusive'. lock_depth Must be '0' or 'infinity'. lock_owner String identifying the owner. path Resource URL. timeout Seconds to live This function does NOT check, if the new lock creates a conflict! """ if timeout is None: timeout = LockManager.LOCK_TIME_OUT_DEFAULT elif timeout < 0: timeout = -1 lock_dict = { "root": path, "type": lock_type, "scope": lock_scope, "depth": lock_depth, "owner": lock_owner, "timeout": timeout, "principal": principal, } #, lock_dict) return lock_dict
[docs] def acquire( self, *, url, lock_type, lock_scope, lock_depth, lock_owner, timeout, principal, token_list, ): """Check for permissions and acquire a lock. On success return new lock dictionary. On error raise a DAVError with an embedded DAVErrorCondition. """ url = normalize_lock_root(url) self._lock.acquire_write() try: # Raises DAVError on conflict: self._check_lock_permission( url, lock_type, lock_scope, lock_depth, token_list, principal ) return self._generate_lock( principal, lock_type, lock_scope, lock_depth, lock_owner, url, timeout ) finally: self._lock.release()
[docs] def refresh(self, token, *, timeout=None): """Set new timeout for lock, if existing and valid.""" if timeout is None: timeout = LockManager.LOCK_TIME_OUT_DEFAULT return, timeout=timeout)
[docs] def get_lock(self, token, *, key=None): """Return lock_dict, or None, if not found or invalid. Side effect: if lock is expired, it will be purged and None is returned. key: name of lock attribute that will be returned instead of a dictionary. """ assert key in ( None, "type", "scope", "depth", "owner", "root", "timeout", "principal", "token", ) lock = if key is None or lock is None: return lock return lock[key]
[docs] def release(self, token): """Delete lock."""
[docs] def is_token_locked_by_user(self, token, principal): """Return True, if <token> exists, is valid, and bound to <principal>.""" return self.get_lock(token, key="principal") == principal
[docs] def get_url_lock_list(self, url, *, recursive=False): """Return list of lock_dict, if <url> is protected by at least one direct, valid lock. Side effect: expired locks for this url are purged. """ url = normalize_lock_root(url) lockList = url, include_root=True, include_children=recursive, token_only=False ) return lockList
[docs] def get_indirect_url_lock_list(self, url, *, principal=None): """Return a list of valid lockDicts, that protect <path> directly or indirectly. If a principal is given, only locks owned by this principal are returned. Side effect: expired locks for this path and all parents are purged. """ url = normalize_lock_root(url) lockList = [] u = url while u: lock_list = u, include_root=True, include_children=False, token_only=False ) for lock in lock_list: if u != url and lock["depth"] != "infinity": continue # We only consider parents with Depth: infinity # TODO: handle shared locks in some way? # if (lock["scope"] == "shared" and lock_scope == "shared" # and principal != lock["principal"]): # continue # Only compatible with shared locks by other users if principal is None or principal == lock["principal"]: lockList.append(lock) u = util.get_uri_parent(u) return lockList
[docs] def is_url_locked(self, url): """Return True, if url is directly locked.""" lockList = self.get_url_lock_list(url) return len(lockList) > 0
[docs] def is_url_locked_by_token(self, url, lock_token): """Check, if url (or any of it's parents) is locked by lock_token.""" lockUrl = self.get_lock(lock_token, key="root") return lockUrl and util.is_equal_or_child_uri(lockUrl, url)
[docs] def remove_all_locks_from_url(self, url, *, recursive=False): self._lock.acquire_write() try: lockList = self.get_url_lock_list(url, recursive=recursive) for lock in lockList: self.release(lock["token"]) finally: self._lock.release()
def _check_lock_permission( self, url, lock_type, lock_scope, lock_depth, token_list, principal ): """Check, if <principal> can lock <url>, otherwise raise an error. If locking <url> would create a conflict, DAVError(HTTP_LOCKED) is raised. An embedded DAVErrorCondition contains the conflicting resource. @see - Parent locks WILL NOT be conflicting, if they are depth-0. - Exclusive depth-infinity parent locks WILL be conflicting, even if they are owned by <principal>. - Child locks WILL NOT be conflicting, if we request a depth-0 lock. - Exclusive child locks WILL be conflicting, even if they are owned by <principal>. (7.7) - It is not enough to check whether a lock is owned by <principal>, but also the token must be passed with the request. (Because <principal> may run two different applications on his client.) - <principal> cannot lock-exclusive, if he holds a parent shared-lock. (This would only make sense, if he was the only shared-lock holder.) - TODO: litmus tries to acquire a shared lock on one resource twice (locks: 27 'double_sharedlock') and fails, when we return HTTP_LOCKED. So we allow multi shared locks on a resource even for the same principal. @param url: URL that shall be locked @param lock_type: "write" @param lock_scope: "shared"|"exclusive" @param lock_depth: "0"|"infinity" @param token_list: list of lock tokens, that the user submitted in If: header @param principal: name of the principal requesting a lock @return: None (or raise) """ assert lock_type == "write" assert lock_scope in ("shared", "exclusive") assert lock_depth in ("0", "infinity") _logger.debug( f"checkLockPermission({url}, {lock_scope}, {lock_depth}, {principal})" ) # Error precondition to collect conflicting URLs errcond = DAVErrorCondition(PRECONDITION_CODE_LockConflict) self._lock.acquire_read() try: # Check url and all parents for conflicting locks u = url while u: lock_list = self.get_url_lock_list(u) for lock in lock_list: _logger.debug(f" check parent {u}, {lock_string(lock)}") if u != url and lock["depth"] != "infinity": # We only consider parents with Depth: infinity continue elif lock["scope"] == "shared" and lock_scope == "shared": # Only compatible with shared locks (even by same # principal) continue # Lock conflict _logger.debug( f" -> DENIED due to locked parent {lock_string(lock)}" ) errcond.add_href(lock["root"]) u = util.get_uri_parent(u) if lock_depth == "infinity": # Check child URLs for conflicting locks child_ocks = url, include_root=False, include_children=True, token_only=False ) for lock in child_ocks: assert util.is_child_uri(url, lock["root"]) # if util.is_child_uri(url, lock["root"]): _logger.debug(f" -> DENIED due to locked child {lock_string(lock)}") errcond.add_href(lock["root"]) finally: self._lock.release() # If there were conflicts, raise HTTP_LOCKED for <url>, and pass # conflicting resource with 'no-conflicting-lock' precondition if len(errcond.hrefs) > 0: raise DAVError(HTTP_LOCKED, err_condition=errcond) return
[docs] def check_write_permission(self, *, url, depth, token_list, principal): """Check, if <principal> can modify <url>, otherwise raise HTTP_LOCKED. If modifying <url> is prevented by a lock, DAVError(HTTP_LOCKED) is raised. An embedded DAVErrorCondition contains the conflicting locks. <url> may be modified by <principal>, if it is not currently locked directly or indirectly (i.e. by a locked parent). For depth-infinity operations, <url> also must not have locked children. It is not enough to check whether a lock is owned by <principal>, but also the token must be passed with the request. Because <principal> may run two different applications. See TODO: verify assumptions: - Parent locks WILL NOT be conflicting, if they are depth-0. - Exclusive child locks WILL be conflicting, even if they are owned by <principal>. @param url: URL that shall be modified, created, moved, or deleted @param depth: "0"|"infinity" @param token_list: list of lock tokens, that the principal submitted in If: header @param principal: name of the principal requesting a lock @return: None or raise error """ assert util.is_str(url) assert depth in ("0", "infinity") _logger.debug( f"check_write_permission({url}, {depth}, {token_list}, {principal})" ) # Error precondition to collect conflicting URLs errcond = DAVErrorCondition(PRECONDITION_CODE_LockConflict) self._lock.acquire_read() try: # Check url and all parents for conflicting locks u = url while u: lock_list = self.get_url_lock_list(u) _logger.debug(f" checking {u}") for lock in lock_list: _logger.debug(f" lock={lock_string(lock)}") if u != url and lock["depth"] != "infinity": # We only consider parents with Depth: infinity continue elif principal == lock["principal"] and lock["token"] in token_list: # User owns this lock continue else: # Token is owned by principal, but not passed with lock list _logger.debug( f" -> DENIED due to locked parent {lock_string(lock)}" ) errcond.add_href(lock["root"]) u = util.get_uri_parent(u) if depth == "infinity": # Check child URLs for conflicting locks child_ocks = url, include_root=False, include_children=True, token_only=False ) for lock in child_ocks: assert util.is_child_uri(url, lock["root"]) # if util.is_child_uri(url, lock["root"]): _logger.debug(f" -> DENIED due to locked child {lock_string(lock)}") errcond.add_href(lock["root"]) finally: self._lock.release() # If there were conflicts, raise HTTP_LOCKED for <url>, and pass # conflicting resource with 'no-conflicting-lock' precondition if len(errcond.hrefs) > 0: raise DAVError(HTTP_LOCKED, err_condition=errcond) return