# (c) 2009-2024 Martin Wendt and contributors; see WsgiDAV https://github.com/mar10/wsgidav
# Licensed under the MIT license: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
Implements a property manager based on MongoDB.
Usage: add this lines to wsgidav.conf::
from wsgidav.prop_man.mongo_property_manager import MongoPropertyManager
prop_man_opts = {}
property_manager = MongoPropertyManager(prop_man_opts)
Valid options are (sample shows defaults)::
opts = {"host": "localhost", # MongoDB server
"port": 27017, # MongoDB port
"dbName": "wsgidav-props", # Name of DB to store the properties
# This options are used with `mongod --auth`
# The user must be created with db.addUser()
"user": None, # Authenticate with this user
"pwd": None, # ... and password
from urllib.parse import quote
import pymongo
from wsgidav import util
__docformat__ = "reStructuredText"
_logger = util.get_module_logger(__name__)
# We use these keys internally, so they must be protected
HIDDEN_KEYS = ("_id", "_url", "_title")
# MongiDB doesn't accept '.' in key names, so we have to escape it.
# Use a key that is unlikely to occur in property names
def encode_mongo_key(s):
"""Return an encoded version of `s` that may be used as MongoDB key."""
assert DOT_ESCAPE not in s
return s.replace(".", DOT_ESCAPE)
def decode_mongo_key(key):
"""Decode a string that was encoded by encode_mongo_key()."""
return key.replace(DOT_ESCAPE, ".")
# ============================================================================
# MongoPropertyManager
# ============================================================================
class MongoPropertyManager:
"""Implements a property manager based on MongoDB."""
def __init__(self, options):
self.options = options
def __del__(self):
def _connect(self):
opts = self.options
self.conn = pymongo.Connection(opts.get("host"), opts.get("port"))
self.db = self.conn[opts.get("dbName", "wsgidav-props")]
# If credentials are passed, logon to the property storage db
if opts.get("user"):
if not self.db.authenticate(opts.get("user"), opts.get("pwd")):
raise RuntimeError(
"Failed to logon to db %s as user %s"
% (self.db.name, opts.get("user"))
"Logged on to mongo db '%s' as user '%s'"
% (self.db.name, opts.get("user"))
self.collection = self.db["properties"]
_logger.info("MongoPropertyManager connected %r" % self.collection)
def _disconnect(self):
if self.conn:
self.conn = None
def __repr__(self):
return "MongoPropertyManager(%s)" % self.db
def _sync(self):
def _check(self, msg=""):
def _dump(self, msg="", out=None):
def get_properties(self, norm_url, environ=None):
_logger.debug("get_properties(%s)" % norm_url)
doc = self.collection.find_one({"_url": norm_url})
propNames = []
if doc:
for name in doc.keys():
if name not in HIDDEN_KEYS:
return propNames
def get_property(self, norm_url, name, environ=None):
_logger.debug(f"get_property({norm_url}, {name})")
doc = self.collection.find_one({"_url": norm_url})
if not doc:
return None
prop = doc.get(encode_mongo_key(name))
return prop
def write_property(
self, norm_url, name, property_value, dry_run=False, environ=None
assert norm_url and norm_url.startswith("/")
assert name
assert property_value is not None
assert name not in HIDDEN_KEYS, "MongoDB key is protected: '%s'" % name
"write_property(%s, %s, dry_run=%s):\n\t%s"
% (norm_url, name, dry_run, property_value)
if dry_run:
return # TODO: can we check anything here?
doc = self.collection.find_one({"_url": norm_url})
if not doc:
doc = {"_url": norm_url, "_title": quote(norm_url)}
doc[encode_mongo_key(name)] = property_value
def remove_property(self, norm_url, name, dry_run=False, environ=None):
""" """
_logger.debug(f"remove_property({norm_url}, {name}, dry_run={dry_run})")
if dry_run:
# TODO: can we check anything here?
doc = self.collection.find_one({"_url": norm_url})
# Specifying the removal of a property that does not exist is NOT an error.
if not doc or doc.get(encode_mongo_key(name)) is None:
del doc[encode_mongo_key(name)]
def remove_properties(self, norm_url, environ=None):
_logger.debug("remove_properties(%s)" % norm_url)
doc = self.collection.find_one({"_url": norm_url})
if doc:
def copy_properties(self, srcUrl, destUrl, environ=None):
doc = self.collection.find_one({"_url": srcUrl})
if not doc:
f"copy_properties({srcUrl}, {destUrl}): src has no properties"
_logger.debug(f"copy_properties({srcUrl}, {destUrl})")
doc2 = doc.copy()
def move_properties(self, srcUrl, destUrl, with_children, environ=None):
_logger.debug(f"move_properties({srcUrl}, {destUrl}, {with_children})")
if with_children:
# Match URLs that are equal to <srcUrl> or begin with '<srcUrl>/'
matchBegin = "^" + srcUrl.rstrip("/") + "/"
query = {"$or": [{"_url": srcUrl}, {"_url": {"$regex": matchBegin}}]}
docList = self.collection.find(query)
for doc in docList:
newDest = doc["_url"].replace(srcUrl, destUrl)
_logger.debug("move property {} -> {}".format(doc["_url"], newDest))
doc["_url"] = newDest
# Move srcUrl only
# TODO: use findAndModify()?
doc = self.collection.find_one({"_url": srcUrl})
if doc:
_logger.debug("move property {} -> {}".format(doc["_url"], destUrl))
doc["_url"] = destUrl