Source code for wsgidav.util

# (c) 2009-2024 Martin Wendt and contributors; see WsgiDAV ar10/wsgidav
# Original PyFileServer (c) 2005 Ho Chun Wei.
# Licensed under the MIT license:
Miscellaneous support functions for WsgiDAV.

import base64
import calendar
import logging
import mimetypes
import os
import re
import stat
import sys
import time
import warnings
from copy import deepcopy
from email.utils import formatdate, parsedate
from hashlib import md5
from pprint import pformat
from typing import Iterable, Optional, Tuple
from urllib.parse import quote

from wsgidav import __version__
from wsgidav.dav_error import (
from wsgidav.xml_tools import etree, is_etree_element, make_sub_element, xml_to_bytes

__docformat__ = "reStructuredText"

#: The base logger (silent by default)
BASE_LOGGER_NAME = "wsgidav"
_logger = logging.getLogger(BASE_LOGGER_NAME)

#: Currently used Python version as string
PYTHON_VERSION = ".".join([str(s) for s in sys.version_info[:3]])

filesystemencoding = sys.getfilesystemencoding()

#: Project name and version presented to the clients
#: This is reset to ``"WsgiDAV"`` if ``suppress_version_info`` is set in the
#: configuration.
public_wsgidav_info = f"WsgiDAV/{__version__}"
#: This is reset to ``"Python/3"`` if ``suppress_version_info`` is set in the
#: configuration.
public_python_info = f"Python/{PYTHON_VERSION}"

[docs] class NO_DEFAULT: """"""
[docs] def check_python_version(min_version: Tuple[str]) -> bool: """Check for deprecated Python version.""" if sys.version_info < min_version: min_ver = ".".join([str(s) for s in min_version[:3]]) warnings.warn( f"Support for Python version less than `{min_ver}` is deprecated " f"(using {PYTHON_VERSION})", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) return False return True
# ======================================================================== # String tools # ========================================================================
[docs] def is_basestring(s): """Return True for any string type (for str/unicode on Py2 and bytes/str on Py3).""" return isinstance(s, (str, bytes))
[docs] def is_bytes(s): """Return True for bytestrings (for str on Py2 and bytes on Py3).""" return isinstance(s, bytes)
[docs] def is_str(s): """Return True for native strings (for str on Py2 and Py3).""" return isinstance(s, str)
[docs] def to_bytes(s, encoding="utf8"): """Convert a text string (unicode) to bytestring (str on Py2 and bytes on Py3).""" if type(s) is not bytes: s = bytes(s, encoding) return s
[docs] def to_str(s, encoding="utf8"): """Convert data to native str type (bytestring on Py2 and unicode on Py3).""" if type(s) is bytes: s = str(s, encoding) elif type(s) is not str: s = str(s) return s
[docs] def to_set(val, *, or_none=False, raise_error=False) -> set: res = set() if type(val) is set: res = val elif type(val) is str: res = set(map(str.strip, val.split(","))) elif isinstance(val, (dict, list, tuple)): res = set(map(str, val)) elif val is None and or_none: res = None elif raise_error: raise TypeError(f"{val}, {type(val)}") return res
[docs] def get_dict_value(d, key_path, default=NO_DEFAULT, *, as_dict=False): """Return the value of a nested dict using dot-notation path. Args: d (dict): key_path (str): default (any): as_dict (bool): Assume default is `{}` and also return `{}` if the key exists with a value of `None`. This covers the case where suboptions are supposed to be dicts, but are defined in a YAML file as entry without a value. Raises: KeyError: ValueError: IndexError: Examples:: ... Todo: * k[1] instead of k.[1] """ if as_dict: try: res = get_dict_value(d, key_path, default={}) return res if res is not None else {} except (AttributeError, KeyError, ValueError, IndexError): return {} if default is not NO_DEFAULT: try: return get_dict_value(d, key_path) except (AttributeError, KeyError, ValueError, IndexError): return default seg_list = key_path.split(".") seg = seg_list.pop(0) value = d[seg] while seg_list: seg = seg_list.pop(0) if isinstance(value, dict): value = value[seg] elif isinstance(value, (list, tuple)): if not seg.startswith("[") or not seg.endswith("]"): raise ValueError("Use `[INT]` syntax to address list items") seg = seg[1:-1] value = value[int(seg)] else: # raise ValueError("Segment {!r} cannot be nested".format(seg)) try: value = getattr(value, seg) except AttributeError: raise # ValueError("Segment {!r} cannot be nested".format(seg)) return value
# password_patterns = []
[docs] def purge_passwords(d, *, in_place=False): def _purge(v): if isinstance(v, dict): if "password" in v: v["password"] = "<REMOVED>" for ele in v.values(): _purge(ele) elif isinstance(v, Iterable) and not isinstance(v, str): for ele in v: _purge(ele) if not in_place: d = deepcopy(d) for v in d.values(): _purge(v) if in_place: return None # good convention to return None for mutating functions return d
[docs] def check_tags(tags, known, *, msg=None, raise_error=True, required=False): """Check if `tags` only contains known tags. If check fails and raise_error is true, a ValueError is raised. If check passes, None is returned. """ assert known, "must not be empty" known = to_set(known) optional = known if required is True: required = known optional = set() elif required: required = to_set(required) known = known.union(required) optional = known.difference(required) tags = to_set(tags) res = [] unknown = tags.difference(known) if unknown: res.append("Unknown: {!r}".format("', '".join(unknown))) if required: missing = required.difference(tags) if missing: res.append("Missing: {!r}".format("', '".join(missing))) if res: if msg: res.insert(0, msg) if required and optional: res.append( "Required: ({!r}). Optional: ({!r})".format( "', '".join(required), "', '".join(optional) ) ) elif required: res.append("Required: ({!r})".format("', '".join(required))) elif optional: res.append("Optional: ({!r})".format("', '".join(optional))) res = "\n".join(res) if raise_error: raise ValueError(res) return res return None
# --- WSGI support ---
[docs] def unicode_to_wsgi(u): """Convert an environment variable to a WSGI 'bytes-as-unicode' string.""" # Taken from PEP3333; the server should already have performed this, when # passing environ to the WSGI application return u.encode(filesystemencoding, "surrogateescape").decode("iso-8859-1")
[docs] def wsgi_to_bytes(s): """Convert a native string to a WSGI / HTTP compatible byte string. WSGI always assumes iso-8859-1 (PEP 3333). """ return s.encode("iso-8859-1")
[docs] def re_encode_wsgi(s: str, *, encoding="utf-8", fallback=False) -> str: """Convert a WSGI string to `str`, assuming the client used UTF-8. WSGI always assumes iso-8859-1. Modern clients send UTF-8, so we have to re-encode """ try: if type(s) is bytes: # haven't seen this case, but may be possible according to PEP 3333? return s.decode(encoding) return s.encode("iso-8859-1").decode(encoding) except UnicodeDecodeError: if fallback: return s raise
# ======================================================================== # Time tools # ========================================================================
[docs] def get_rfc1123_time(secs=None): """Return <secs> in rfc 1123 date/time format (pass secs=None for current date).""" # GC issue #20: time string must be locale independent return formatdate(timeval=secs, localtime=False, usegmt=True)
[docs] def get_rfc3339_time(secs=None): """Return <secs> in RFC 3339 date/time format (pass secs=None for current date). RFC 3339 is a subset of ISO 8601, used for '{DAV:}creationdate'. See """ return time.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ", time.gmtime(secs))
[docs] def get_log_time(secs=None): """Return <secs> in log time format (pass secs=None for current date).""" return time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.gmtime(secs))
[docs] def parse_time_string(timestring): """Return the number of seconds since the epoch, for a date/time string. Returns None for invalid input The following time type strings are supported: Sun, 06 Nov 1994 08:49:37 GMT ; RFC 822, updated by RFC 1123 Sunday, 06-Nov-94 08:49:37 GMT ; RFC 850, obsoleted by RFC 1036 Sun Nov 6 08:49:37 1994 ; ANSI C's asctime() format """ result = _parse_gmt_time(timestring) if result: return calendar.timegm(result) return None
def _parse_gmt_time(timestring): """Return a standard time tuple (see time and calendar), for a date/time string.""" # Sun, 06 Nov 1994 08:49:37 GMT ; RFC 822, updated by RFC 1123 try: return time.strptime(timestring, "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT") except Exception: pass # Sunday, 06-Nov-94 08:49:37 GMT ; RFC 850, obsoleted by RFC 1036 try: return time.strptime(timestring, "%A %d-%b-%y %H:%M:%S GMT") except Exception: pass # Sun Nov 6 08:49:37 1994 ; ANSI C's asctime() format try: return time.strptime(timestring, "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y") except Exception: pass # Sun Nov 6 08:49:37 1994 +0100 ; ANSI C's asctime() format with # timezon try: return parsedate(timestring) except Exception: pass return None # ======================================================================== # Logging # ========================================================================
[docs] def init_logging(config): """Initialize base logger named 'wsgidav'. The base logger is filtered by the `verbose` configuration option. Log entries will have a time stamp and thread id. **Note:** init_logging() is automatically called if an application adds ``"logging": { "enable": true }`` to the configuration. Module loggers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Module loggers (e.g 'wsgidav.lock_man.lock_manager') are named loggers, that can be independently switched to DEBUG mode. Except for verbosity, they will inherit settings from the base logger. They will suppress DEBUG level messages, unless they are enabled by passing their name to util.init_logging(). If enabled, module loggers will print DEBUG messages, even if verbose == 3. Example initialize and use a module logger, that will generate output, if enabled (and verbose >= 2):: _logger = util.get_module_logger(__name__) [..] _logger.debug("foo: {!r}".format(s)) This logger would be enabled by passing its name to init_logging():: config.logging.enable_loggers = ["lock_manager", "property_manager", ] util.init_logging(2, enable_loggers) Log Level Matrix ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ +---------+--------+---------------------------------------------------------------+ | Verbose | Option | Log level | | level | +-------------+------------------------+------------------------+ | | | base logger | module logger(default) | module logger(enabled) | +=========+========+=============+========================+========================+ | 0 | -qqq | CRITICAL | CRITICAL | CRITICAL | +---------+--------+-------------+------------------------+------------------------+ | 1 | -qq | ERROR | ERROR | ERROR | +---------+--------+-------------+------------------------+------------------------+ | 2 | -q | WARN | WARN | WARN | +---------+--------+-------------+------------------------+------------------------+ | 3 | | INFO | INFO | **DEBUG** | +---------+--------+-------------+------------------------+------------------------+ | 4 | -v | DEBUG | DEBUG | DEBUG | +---------+--------+-------------+------------------------+------------------------+ | 5 | -vv | DEBUG | DEBUG | DEBUG | +---------+--------+-------------+------------------------+------------------------+ """ from wsgidav.default_conf import DEFAULT_LOGGER_DATE_FORMAT, DEFAULT_LOGGER_FORMAT verbose = config.get("verbose", 3) log_opts = config.get("logging") or {} enable_loggers = log_opts.get("enable_loggers", []) if enable_loggers is None: enable_loggers = [] logger_date_format = log_opts.get("logger_date_format", DEFAULT_LOGGER_DATE_FORMAT) logger_format = log_opts.get("logger_format", DEFAULT_LOGGER_FORMAT) # Verbose format by default (but wsgidav.util.DEFAULT_CONFIG defines a short format) # logger_date_format = log_opts.get("logger_date_format", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") # logger_format = log_opts.get( # "logger_format", # "%(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d - <%(thread)d> %(name)-27s %(levelname)-8s: %(message)s", # ) formatter = logging.Formatter(logger_format, logger_date_format) # Define handlers consoleHandler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout) # consoleHandler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stderr) consoleHandler.setFormatter(formatter) # consoleHandler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # Add the handlers to the base logger logger = logging.getLogger(BASE_LOGGER_NAME) if verbose >= 4: # --verbose logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) elif verbose == 3: # default logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) elif verbose == 2: # --quiet logger.setLevel(logging.WARN) # consoleHandler.setLevel(logging.WARN) elif verbose == 1: # -qq logger.setLevel(logging.ERROR) # consoleHandler.setLevel(logging.WARN) else: # -qqq logger.setLevel(logging.CRITICAL) # consoleHandler.setLevel(logging.ERROR) # Don't call the root's handlers after our custom handlers logger.propagate = False # Remove previous handlers for hdlr in logger.handlers[:]: # Must iterate an array copy try: hdlr.flush() hdlr.close() except Exception: pass logger.removeHandler(hdlr) logger.addHandler(consoleHandler) if verbose >= 3: for e in enable_loggers: if not e.startswith(BASE_LOGGER_NAME + "."): e = BASE_LOGGER_NAME + "." + e lg = logging.getLogger(e.strip()) lg.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) return
[docs] def get_module_logger(moduleName, *, default_to_verbose=False): """Create a module logger, that can be en/disabled by configuration. @see: unit.init_logging """ # moduleName = moduleName.split(".")[-1] if not moduleName.startswith(BASE_LOGGER_NAME + "."): moduleName = BASE_LOGGER_NAME + "." + moduleName logger = logging.getLogger(moduleName) # if logger.level == logging.NOTSET and not default_to_verbose: # logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) # Disable debug messages by default return logger
[docs] def deep_update(d, u): # print(f"deep_update({d}, {u})") for k, v in u.items(): if isinstance(v, # print(f"deep_update({d}, {u}): k={k}, v={v}") prev_val = d.get(k) # if type(prev_val) in (bool, float, int, str): if prev_val is None or type(prev_val) in (bool, float, int, str): # Prev. values is a scalar: replace it with a copy of the new dict d[k] = v.copy() else: # Merge new values into prev. dict d[k] = deep_update(d.get(k, {}), v) else: d[k] = v return d
# ======================================================================== # Module Import # ========================================================================
[docs] def dynamic_import_class(name): """Import a class from a module string, e.g. ``my.module.ClassName``.""" import importlib if "." not in name: raise ValueError(f"Expected `` string: {name!r}") module_name, class_name = name.rsplit(".", 1) try: module = importlib.import_module(module_name) except Exception as e: _logger.error(f"Dynamic import of {name!r} failed: {e}") raise the_class = getattr(module, class_name) return the_class
[docs] def dynamic_instantiate_class(class_name, options, *, expand=None, raise_error=True): """Import a class and instantiate with custom args. Equivalent of ```py from my.module import Foo return Foo(bar=42, baz="qux") ``` would be ```py options = { "bar": 42, "baz": "qux" } => ``` Examples: # Equivalent of name = "my.module.Foo" from my.module import Foo return Foo(bar=42, baz="qux") """ def _expand(v): """Replace some string templates with defined values.""" if expand and is_basestring(v) and v.lower() in expand: return expand[v] return v check_tags( options, {"args", "kwargs"}, msg=f"Invalid class instantiation options for {class_name}", ) pos_args = options.get("args") or [] if pos_args is not None and not isinstance(pos_args, (tuple, list)): raise ValueError(f"Expected list format for `args` option: {options}") kwargs = options.get("kwargs") or {} if kwargs is not None and not isinstance(kwargs, dict): raise ValueError(f"Expected dict format for `kwargs` option: {options}") try: inst = None the_class = dynamic_import_class(class_name) pos_args = tuple(map(_expand, pos_args)) kwargs = {k: _expand(v) for k, v in kwargs.items()} # pos_args = [] # kwargs = {} # if type(options) in (tuple, list): # pos_args = tuple(map(_expand, options)) # elif type(options) is dict: # kwargs = {k: _expand(v) for k, v in options.items()} # else: # raise ValueError(f"Unexpected options format: {options}") inst = the_class(*pos_args, **kwargs) disp_args = [f"{o}" for o in pos_args] + [ f"{k}={v!r}" for k, v in kwargs.items() ] _logger.debug( "Instantiate {}({}) => {}".format(class_name, ", ".join(disp_args), inst) ) except Exception: msg = f"Instantiate {class_name}({options}) failed" if raise_error: _logger.error(msg) raise _logger.exception(msg) return inst
[docs] def dynamic_instantiate_class_from_opts(options, *, expand=None): """Import a class and instantiate with custom args. Construct from class path, without constructor args: ```py dynamic_instantiate_class_from_opts("wsgidav.lock_man.lock_storage.LockStorageDict") ``` Construct with constructor args: ```py opts = { "class": "wsgidav.lock_man.lock_storage.LockStorageShelve", "kwargs": { "storage_path": "~/wsgidav_locks.shelve", } } dynamic_instantiate_class_from_opts(opts, expand=...) ``` """ if type(options) is str: options = {"class": options} else: options = options.copy() check_tags( options, {"class", "args", "kwargs"}, required="class", msg="Invalid class instantiation options", ) class_name = options.pop("class") return dynamic_instantiate_class(class_name, options, expand=expand)
# ======================================================================== # Strings # ========================================================================
[docs] def removeprefix(s: str, prefix: str, ignore_case: bool = False) -> str: """Replacement for str.removeprefix() (Py3.9+) with ignore_case option.""" if ignore_case: if not s.lower().startswith(prefix.lower()): return s else: if not s.startswith(prefix): return s return s[len(prefix) :]
[docs] def save_split(s, sep, maxsplit): """Split string, always returning n-tuple (filled with None if necessary).""" tok = s.split(sep, maxsplit) while len(tok) <= maxsplit: tok.append(None) return tok
[docs] def pop_path(path): """Return '/a/b/c' -> ('a', '/b/c').""" if path in ("", "/"): return ("", "") assert path.startswith("/") first, _sep, rest = path.lstrip("/").partition("/") return (first, "/" + rest)
[docs] def pop_path2(path): """Return '/a/b/c' -> ('a', 'b', '/c').""" if path in ("", "/"): return ("", "", "") first, rest = pop_path(path) second, rest = pop_path(rest) return (first, second, "/" + rest)
[docs] def shift_path(script_name, path_info): """Return ('/a', '/b/c') -> ('b', '/a/b', 'c').""" segment, rest = pop_path(path_info) return (segment, join_uri(script_name.rstrip("/"), segment), rest.rstrip("/"))
[docs] def split_namespace(clark_name): """Return (namespace, localname) tuple for a property name in Clark Notation. Namespace defaults to ''. Example: '{DAV:}foo' -> ('DAV:', 'foo') 'bar' -> ('', 'bar') """ if clark_name.startswith("{") and "}" in clark_name: ns, localname = clark_name.split("}", 1) return (ns[1:], localname) return ("", clark_name)
[docs] def to_unicode_safe(s): """Convert a binary string to Unicode using UTF-8 (fallback to ISO-8859-1).""" try: u = to_str(s, "utf8") except ValueError: _logger.error(f"to_unicode_safe({s!r}) *** UTF-8 failed. Trying ISO-8859-1") u = to_str(s, "ISO-8859-1") return u
[docs] def safe_re_encode(s, encoding_to, *, errors="backslashreplace"): """Re-encode str or binary so that is compatible with a given encoding (replacing unsupported chars). We use ASCII as default, which gives us some output that contains \x99 and \u9999 for every character > 127, for easier debugging. (e.g. if we don't know the encoding, see #87, #96) """ # prev = s if not encoding_to: encoding_to = "ASCII" if is_bytes(s): s = s.decode(encoding_to, errors=errors).encode(encoding_to) else: s = s.encode(encoding_to, errors=errors).decode(encoding_to) # print("safe_re_encode({}, {}) => {}".format(prev, encoding_to, s)) return s
[docs] def string_repr(s): """Return a string as hex dump.""" if is_bytes(s): res = f"{s!r}: " for b in s: if type(b) is str: # Py2 b = ord(b) res += "%02x " % b return res return f"{s}"
[docs] def get_file_extension(path): ext = os.path.splitext(path)[1] return ext
[docs] def byte_number_string( number, *, thousands_sep=True, partition=False, base1024=True, append_bytes=True ): """Convert bytes into human-readable representation.""" magsuffix = "" bytesuffix = "" if partition: magnitude = 0 if base1024: while number >= 1024: magnitude += 1 number = number >> 10 else: while number >= 1000: magnitude += 1 number /= 1000.0 # TODO: use "9 KB" instead of "9K Bytes"? # TODO use 'kibi' for base 1024? # magsuffix = ["", "K", "M", "G", "T", "P"][magnitude] if append_bytes: if number == 1: bytesuffix = " Byte" else: bytesuffix = " Bytes" if thousands_sep and (number >= 1000 or magsuffix): # locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, "") # # TODO: make precision configurable # snum = locale.format("%d", number, thousandsSep) snum = f"{number:,d}" else: snum = str(number) return f"{snum}{magsuffix}{bytesuffix}"
[docs] def fix_path(path, root, *, expand_vars=True, must_exist=True, allow_none=True): """Convert path to absolute, expand and check. Convert path to absolute if required, expand leading '~' as user home dir, expand %VAR%, $Var, ... """ if path in (None, ""): if allow_none: return None raise ValueError(f"Invalid path {path!r}") if not os.path.isabs(path): if not root: root = os.getcwd() elif type(root) is dict: # Evaluate path relative to the folder of the config file (if any) config_file = root.get("_config_file") if config_file: root = os.path.dirname(config_file) else: root = os.getcwd() # NOTE: # Changed in version 3.13: On Windows, `os.path.isabs` returns False # if the given path starts with exactly one (back)slash. path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(root, path)) if expand_vars: path = os.path.expandvars(os.path.expanduser(path)) if must_exist and not os.path.exists(path): raise ValueError(f"Invalid path: {path!r}") return path
# ======================================================================== # WSGI # ========================================================================
[docs] def get_content_length(environ): """Return a positive CONTENT_LENGTH in a safe way (return 0 otherwise).""" # TODO: try: return max(0, int(environ.get("CONTENT_LENGTH", 0))) except ValueError: return 0
# def readAllInput(environ): # """Read and discard all from from wsgi.input, if this has not been done yet.""" # cl = get_content_length(environ) # if environ.get("wsgidav.all_input_read") or cl == 0: # return # assert not environ.get("wsgidav.some_input_read") # write("Reading and discarding %s bytes input." % cl) # environ["wsgi.input"].read(cl) # environ["wsgidav.all_input_read"] = 1
[docs] def read_and_discard_input(environ): """Read 1 byte from wsgi.input, if this has not been done yet. Returning a response without reading from a request body might confuse the WebDAV client. This may happen, if an exception like '401 Not authorized', or '500 Internal error' was raised BEFORE anything was read from the request stream. See GC issue 13, issue 23 See Note that with persistent sessions (HTTP/1.1) we must make sure, that the 'Connection: closed' header is set with the response, to prevent reusing the current stream. """ if environ.get("wsgidav.some_input_read") or environ.get("wsgidav.all_input_read"): return cl = get_content_length(environ) assert cl >= 0 if cl == 0: return READ_ALL = True environ["wsgidav.some_input_read"] = 1 if READ_ALL: environ["wsgidav.all_input_read"] = 1 wsgi_input = environ["wsgi.input"] # TODO: check if still required after GC issue 24 is fixed if hasattr(wsgi_input, "_consumed") and hasattr(wsgi_input, "length"): # Seems to be Paste's httpserver.LimitedLengthFile # see # noqa # Consume something if nothing was consumed *and* work # around a bug where paste.httpserver allows negative lengths if wsgi_input._consumed == 0 and wsgi_input.length > 0: # This seems to work even if there's 10K of input. if READ_ALL: n = wsgi_input.length else: n = 1 body = _logger.debug( f"Reading {n} bytes from potentially unread httpserver.LimitedLengthFile: {body[:50]!r}..." ) elif hasattr(wsgi_input, "_sock") and hasattr(wsgi_input._sock, "settimeout"): # Seems to be a socket try: # Set socket to non-blocking sock = wsgi_input._sock timeout = sock.gettimeout() sock.settimeout(0) # Read one byte try: if READ_ALL: n = cl else: n = 1 body = _logger.debug( f"Reading {n} bytes from potentially unread POST body: {body[:50]!r}..." ) except OSError as se: # se(10035, 'The socket operation could not complete without blocking') _logger.error(f"-> read {n} bytes failed: {se}") # Restore socket settings sock.settimeout(timeout) except Exception: _logger.error(f"--> {sys.exc_info()}")
[docs] def fail( value, context_info=None, *, src_exception=None, err_condition=None, add_headers=None, ): """Wrapper to raise (and log) DAVError.""" if isinstance(value, Exception): e = as_DAVError(value) else: e = DAVError( value, context_info, src_exception=src_exception, err_condition=err_condition, add_headers=add_headers, ) _logger.debug(f"Raising DAVError {e.get_user_info()}") raise e
# ======================================================================== # SubAppStartResponse # ========================================================================
[docs] class SubAppStartResponse: def __init__(self): self.__status = "" self.__response_headers = [] self.__exc_info = None super().__init__() @property def status(self): return self.__status @property def response_headers(self): return self.__response_headers @property def exc_info(self): return self.__exc_info
[docs] def __call__(self, status, response_headers, exc_info=None): self.__status = status self.__response_headers = response_headers self.__exc_info = exc_info
# ======================================================================== # URLs # ========================================================================
[docs] def join_uri(uri, *segments): """Append segments to URI. Example: join_uri("/a/b", "c", "d") """ sub = "/".join(segments) if not sub: return uri return uri.rstrip("/") + "/" + sub
[docs] def get_uri_name(uri: str) -> str: """Return local name, i.e. last segment of URI.""" return uri.strip("/").split("/")[-1]
[docs] def get_uri_parent(uri: str) -> Optional[str]: """Return URI of parent collection with trailing '/', or None, if URI is top-level. This function simply strips the last segment. It does not test, if the target is a 'collection', or even exists. """ if not uri or uri.strip() == "/": return None return uri.rstrip("/").rsplit("/", 1)[0] + "/"
[docs] def is_child_uri(parent_uri: str, child_uri: str) -> bool: """Return True, if child_uri is a child of parent_uri. This function accounts for the fact that '/a/b/c' and 'a/b/c/' are children of '/a/b' (and also of '/a/b/'). Note that '/a/b/cd' is NOT a child of 'a/b/c'. """ return ( bool(parent_uri) and bool(child_uri) and child_uri.rstrip("/").startswith(parent_uri.rstrip("/") + "/") )
[docs] def is_equal_or_child_uri(parent_uri, child_uri): """Return True, if child_uri is a child of parent_uri or maps to the same resource. Similar to <util.is_child_uri>_ , but this method also returns True, if parent equals child. ('/a/b' is considered identical with '/a/b/'). """ return ( parent_uri and child_uri and (child_uri.rstrip("/") + "/").startswith(parent_uri.rstrip("/") + "/") )
[docs] def make_complete_url(environ, local_uri=None): """URL reconstruction according to PEP 333. @see """ url = environ["wsgi.url_scheme"] + "://" if environ.get("HTTP_HOST"): url += environ["HTTP_HOST"] else: url += environ["SERVER_NAME"] if environ["wsgi.url_scheme"] == "https": if environ["SERVER_PORT"] != "443": url += ":" + environ["SERVER_PORT"] else: if environ["SERVER_PORT"] != "80": url += ":" + environ["SERVER_PORT"] url += quote(environ.get("SCRIPT_NAME", "")) if local_uri is None: url += quote(environ.get("PATH_INFO", "")) if environ.get("QUERY_STRING"): url += "?" + environ["QUERY_STRING"] else: url += local_uri # TODO: quote? return url
[docs] def update_headers_in_place(target, new_items) -> None: """Modify or append new headers to existing header list (in-place).""" new_dict = {k.lower(): (k, v) for k, v in new_items} for idx, (name, _value) in enumerate(target): new_val = new_dict.pop(name.lower(), None) if new_val is not None: target[idx] = new_val for value in new_dict.values(): target.append(value) return # in-place does not return a value
# ======================================================================== # XML # ========================================================================
[docs] def parse_xml_body(environ, *, allow_empty=False): """Read request body XML into an etree.Element. Return None, if no request body was sent. Raise HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, if something else went wrong. TODO: this is a very relaxed interpretation: should we raise HTTP_BAD_REQUEST instead, if CONTENT_LENGTH is missing, invalid, or 0? RFC: For compatibility with HTTP/1.0 applications, HTTP/1.1 requests containing a message-body MUST include a valid Content-Length header field unless the server is known to be HTTP/1.1 compliant. If a request contains a message-body and a Content-Length is not given, the server SHOULD respond with 400 (bad request) if it cannot determine the length of the message, or with 411 (length required) if it wishes to insist on receiving a valid Content-Length." So I'd say, we should accept a missing CONTENT_LENGTH, and try to read the content anyway. But WSGI doesn't guarantee to support without length(?). At least it locked, when I tried it with a request that had a missing content-type and no body. Current approach: if CONTENT_LENGTH is - valid and >0: read body (exactly <CONTENT_LENGTH> bytes) and parse the result. - 0: Assume empty body and return None or raise exception. - invalid (negative or not a number: raise HTTP_BAD_REQUEST - missing: NOT: Try to read body until end and parse the result. BUT: assume '0' - empty string: WSGI allows it to be empty or absent: treated like 'missing'. """ # clHeader = environ.get("CONTENT_LENGTH", "").strip() # content_length = -1 # read all of stream if clHeader == "": # No Content-Length given: read to end of stream # TODO: etree.parse() locks, if input is invalid? # pfroot = etree.parse(environ["wsgi.input"]).getroot() # requestbody = environ["wsgi.input"].read() # TODO: read() should be # called in a loop? requestbody = "" else: try: content_length = int(clHeader) if content_length < 0: raise DAVError(HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, "Negative content-length.") except ValueError: raise DAVError(HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, "content-length is not numeric.") from None if content_length == 0: requestbody = "" else: requestbody = environ["wsgi.input"].read(content_length) environ["wsgidav.all_input_read"] = 1 if requestbody == "": if allow_empty: return None else: raise DAVError(HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, "Body must not be empty.") try: rootEL = etree.fromstring(requestbody) except Exception as e: raise DAVError( HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, "Invalid XML format.", src_exception=e ) from None # If dumps of the body are desired, then this is the place to do it pretty: if environ.get("wsgidav.dump_request_body"): "{} XML request body:\n{}".format( environ["REQUEST_METHOD"], to_str(xml_to_bytes(rootEL, pretty=True)), ) ) environ["wsgidav.dump_request_body"] = False return rootEL
# def sendResponse(environ, start_response, body, content_type): # """Send a WSGI response for a HTML or XML string.""" # assert content_type in ("application/xml", "text/html") # # start_response(status, [("Content-Type", content_type), # ("Date", get_rfc1123_time()), # ("Content-Length", str(len(body))), # ]) # return [ body ]
[docs] def send_redirect_response(environ, start_response, *, location): """Start a WSGI response for a DAVError or status code.""" start_response( "301 Moved Permanently", # this is was nginx uses [ ("Content-Length", "0"), ("Date", get_rfc1123_time()), ("Location", location), ], ) return [b""]
[docs] def send_status_response( environ, start_response, e, *, add_headers=None, is_head=False ): """Start a WSGI response for a DAVError or status code.""" status = get_http_status_string(e) headers = [] if add_headers: headers.extend(add_headers) if isinstance(e, DAVError) and e.add_headers: headers.extend(e.add_headers) # if 'keep-alive' in environ.get('HTTP_CONNECTION', '').lower(): # headers += [ # ('Connection', 'keep-alive'), # ] if e in (HTTP_NOT_MODIFIED, HTTP_NO_CONTENT): # See paste.lint: these code don't have content start_response( status, [("Content-Length", "0"), ("Date", get_rfc1123_time())] + headers ) return [b""] if e in (HTTP_OK, HTTP_CREATED): e = DAVError(e) assert isinstance(e, DAVError) content_type, body = e.get_response_page() if is_head: body = b"" assert is_bytes(body), body # If not, Content-Length is wrong! start_response( status, [ ("Content-Type", content_type), ("Date", get_rfc1123_time()), ("Content-Length", str(len(body))), ] + headers, ) return [body]
[docs] def send_multi_status_response(environ, start_response, multistatus_elem): # If logging of the body is desired, then this is the place to do it # pretty: if environ.get("wsgidav.dump_response_body"): xml = "{} XML response body:\n{}".format( environ["REQUEST_METHOD"], to_str(xml_to_bytes(multistatus_elem, pretty=True)), ) environ["wsgidav.dump_response_body"] = xml # Hotfix for Windows XP # PROPFIND XML response is not recognized, when pretty_print = True! # (Vista and others would accept this). xml_data = xml_to_bytes(multistatus_elem, pretty=False) # If not, Content-Length is wrong! assert is_bytes(xml_data), xml_data headers = [ ("Content-Type", "application/xml; charset=utf-8"), ("Date", get_rfc1123_time()), ("Content-Length", str(len(xml_data))), ] # if 'keep-alive' in environ.get('HTTP_CONNECTION', '').lower(): # headers += [ # ('Connection', 'keep-alive'), # ] start_response("207 Multi-Status", headers) return [xml_data]
[docs] def add_property_response(multistatus_elem, href, prop_list): """Append <response> element to <multistatus> element. <prop> node depends on the value type: - str or unicode: add element with this content - None: add an empty element - etree.Element: add XML element as child - DAVError: add an empty element to an own <propstatus> for this status code @param multistatus_elem: etree.Element @param href: global URL of the resource, e.g. 'http://server:port/path'. @param prop_list: list of 2-tuples (name, value) """ # Split prop_list by status code and build a unique list of namespaces nsCount = 1 nsDict = {} nsMap = {} propDict = {} for name, value in prop_list: status = "200 OK" if isinstance(value, DAVError): status = get_http_status_string(value) # Always generate *empty* elements for props with error status value = None # Collect namespaces, so we can declare them in the <response> for # compacter output ns, _ = split_namespace(name) if ns != "DAV:" and ns not in nsDict and ns != "": nsDict[ns] = True nsMap[f"NS{nsCount}"] = ns nsCount += 1 propDict.setdefault(status, []).append((name, value)) # <response> responseEL = make_sub_element(multistatus_elem, "{DAV:}response", nsmap=nsMap) # log("href value:{}".format(string_repr(href))) # etree.SubElement(responseEL, "{DAV:}href").text = toUnicode(href) etree.SubElement(responseEL, "{DAV:}href").text = href # etree.SubElement(responseEL, "{DAV:}href").text = quote(href, safe="/" + "!*'()," # + "$-_|.") # One <propstat> per status code for status in propDict: propstatEL = etree.SubElement(responseEL, "{DAV:}propstat") # List of <prop> propEL = etree.SubElement(propstatEL, "{DAV:}prop") for name, value in propDict[status]: if value is None: etree.SubElement(propEL, name) elif is_etree_element(value): propEL.append(value) else: # value must be string or unicode # log("{} value:{}".format(name, string_repr(value))) # etree.SubElement(propEL, name).text = value etree.SubElement(propEL, name).text = to_unicode_safe(value) # <status> etree.SubElement(propstatEL, "{DAV:}status").text = f"HTTP/1.1 {status}"
# ======================================================================== # ETags # ========================================================================
[docs] def calc_hexdigest(s): """Return md5 digest for a string.""" s = to_bytes(s) return md5(s).hexdigest() # return native string
[docs] def calc_base64(s): """Return base64 encoded binarystring.""" s = to_bytes(s) s = base64.encodebytes(s).strip() # return bytestring return to_str(s)
[docs] def checked_etag(etag, *, allow_none=False): """Validate etag string to ensure propare comparison. This function is used to assert that `DAVResource.get_etag()` does not add quotes, so it can be passed as `ETag: "<etag_value>"` header. Note that we also reject weak entity tags (W/"<etag_value>"), since WebDAV servers commonly use strong ETags. """ if etag is None and allow_none: return None etag = etag.strip() if not etag or '"' in etag or etag.startswith("W/"): # This is an internal server error raise ValueError(f"Invalid ETag format: '{etag!r}'.") return etag
[docs] def parse_if_match_header(value): """Return a list of etag-values for a `If-Match` or `If-Not-Match` header. Remove enclosing quotes for easy comparison with the `DAVResource.get_etag()` results. We strip the weak-ETag prefix, because WebDAV servers commonly use strong ETags. If the client sends a weak tag, it should not hurt to compare against the resources strong etag however(?). """ res = [] for etag in value.split(","): etag = removeprefix(etag.strip(), "W/") if etag.startswith('"') and etag.endswith('"'): etag = etag[1:-1] if etag: res.append(etag) elif '"' in etag: # Client error raise DAVError(HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, f"Invalid ETag format: '{value!r}'.") return res
[docs] def get_file_etag(file_path): """Return a strong, unquoted Entity Tag for a (file)path. Returns the following as entity tags:: Non-file - md5(pathname) Win32 - md5(pathname)-lastmodifiedtime-filesize Others - inode-lastmodifiedtime-filesize """ # (At least on Vista) os.path.exists returns False, if a file name contains # special characters, even if it is correctly UTF-8 encoded. # So we convert to unicode. On the other hand, md5() needs a byte string. if is_bytes(file_path): unicode_file_path = to_unicode_safe(file_path) else: unicode_file_path = file_path file_path = file_path.encode("utf8", "surrogateescape") if not os.path.isfile(unicode_file_path): return md5(file_path).hexdigest() fstat = os.stat(unicode_file_path) if sys.platform == "win32": etag = ( f"{md5(file_path).hexdigest()}-{fstat[stat.ST_MTIME]}-{fstat[stat.ST_SIZE]}" ) else: etag = f"{fstat[stat.ST_INO]}-{fstat[stat.ST_MTIME]}-{fstat[stat.ST_SIZE]}" return etag
# ======================================================================== # Ranges # ======================================================================== # Range Specifiers reByteRangeSpecifier = re.compile("(([0-9]+)-([0-9]*))") reSuffixByteRangeSpecifier = re.compile("(-([0-9]+))")
[docs] def obtain_content_ranges(range_header, filesize): """ See Return tuple (range_list, total_length) range_list content ranges as values to their parsed components in the tuple (seek_position/abs position of first byte, abs position of last byte, num_of_bytes_to_read) total_length total length for Content-Length """ list_ranges = [] request_ranges = range_header.split(",") for subrange in request_ranges: is_matched = False if not is_matched: match = if match: range_start = int( if range_start >= filesize: # TODO: set "Content-Range: bytes */filesize" fail( HTTP_RANGE_NOT_SATISFIABLE, f"Requested range starts behind file size ({range_start} >= {filesize})", add_headers=[("Content-Range", f"bytes */{filesize}")], ) if == "": # "START-" range_end = filesize - 1 else: # "START-END" range_end = int( if range_start <= range_end and range_start < filesize: if range_end >= filesize: range_end = filesize - 1 list_ranges.append((range_start, range_end)) is_matched = True if not is_matched: match = if match: range_start = filesize - int( if range_start < 0: range_start = 0 range_end = filesize - 1 list_ranges.append((range_start, range_end)) is_matched = True # consolidate ranges list_ranges.sort() list_ranges_2 = [] total_length = 0 while len(list_ranges) > 0: (rfirstpos, rlastpos) = list_ranges.pop() counter = len(list_ranges) while counter > 0: (nfirstpos, nlastpos) = list_ranges[counter - 1] if nlastpos < rfirstpos - 1 or nfirstpos > nlastpos + 1: pass else: rfirstpos = min(rfirstpos, nfirstpos) rlastpos = max(rlastpos, nlastpos) del list_ranges[counter - 1] counter = counter - 1 list_ranges_2.append((rfirstpos, rlastpos, rlastpos - rfirstpos + 1)) total_length = total_length + rlastpos - rfirstpos + 1 return (list_ranges_2, total_length)
# ======================================================================== # # ======================================================================== #: any numofsecs above the following limit is regarded as infinite MAX_FINITE_TIMEOUT_LIMIT = 10 * 365 * 24 * 60 * 60 # approx 10 years reSecondsReader = re.compile(r"second\-([0-9]+)", re.I)
[docs] def read_timeout_value_header(timeoutvalue): """Return -1 if infinite, else return numofsecs.""" timeoutsecs = 0 timeoutvaluelist = timeoutvalue.split(",") for timeoutspec in timeoutvaluelist: timeoutspec = timeoutspec.strip() if timeoutspec.lower() == "infinite": return -1 else: listSR = reSecondsReader.findall(timeoutspec) for secs in listSR: timeoutsecs = int(secs) if timeoutsecs > MAX_FINITE_TIMEOUT_LIMIT: return -1 if timeoutsecs != 0: return timeoutsecs return None
# ======================================================================== # If Headers # ========================================================================
[docs] def evaluate_http_conditionals(dav_res, last_modified, entity_tag, environ): """Handle 'If-...:' headers (but not 'If:' header). If-Match @see: Only perform the action if the client supplied entity matches the same entity on the server. This is mainly for methods like PUT to only update a resource if it has not been modified since the user last updated it. If-Match: "737060cd8c284d8af7ad3082f209582d" If-Modified-Since @see: Allows a 304 Not Modified to be returned if content is unchanged If-Modified-Since: Sat, 29 Oct 1994 19:43:31 GMT If-None-Match @see: Allows a 304 Not Modified to be returned if content is unchanged, see HTTP ETag If-None-Match: "737060cd8c284d8af7ad3082f209582d" If-Unmodified-Since @see: Only send the response if the entity has not been modified since a specific time. """ if not dav_res: return # Conditions # An HTTP/1.1 origin server, upon receiving a conditional request that includes both a # Last-Modified date (e.g., in an If-Modified-Since or If-Unmodified-Since header field) and # one or more entity tags (e.g., in an If-Match, If-None-Match, or If-Range header field) as # cache validators, MUST NOT return a response status of 304 (Not Modified) unless doing so # is consistent with all of the conditional header fields in the request. if "HTTP_IF_MATCH" in environ and dav_res.support_etag(): token_list = parse_if_match_header(environ["HTTP_IF_MATCH"]) match = False for token in token_list: if token == entity_tag or token == "*": match = True break if not match: raise DAVError(HTTP_PRECONDITION_FAILED, "If-Match header condition failed") # TODO: after the refactoring ifModifiedSinceFailed = False if "HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE" in environ and dav_res.support_modified(): ifmodtime = parse_time_string(environ["HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE"]) if ifmodtime and ifmodtime > last_modified: ifModifiedSinceFailed = True # If-None-Match # If none of the entity tags match, then the server MAY perform the requested method as if the # If-None-Match header field did not exist, but MUST also ignore any If-Modified-Since header # field (s) in the request. That is, if no entity tags match, then the server MUST NOT return # a 304 (Not Modified) response. ignoreIfModifiedSince = False if "HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH" in environ and dav_res.support_etag(): token_list = parse_if_match_header(environ["HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH"]) for token in token_list: if token == entity_tag or token == "*": # ETag matched. If it's a GET request and we don't have an # conflicting If-Modified header, we return NOT_MODIFIED if ( environ["REQUEST_METHOD"] in ("GET", "HEAD") and not ifModifiedSinceFailed ): raise DAVError(HTTP_NOT_MODIFIED, "If-None-Match header failed") raise DAVError( HTTP_PRECONDITION_FAILED, "If-None-Match header condition failed" ) ignoreIfModifiedSince = True if "HTTP_IF_UNMODIFIED_SINCE" in environ and dav_res.support_modified(): ifunmodtime = parse_time_string(environ["HTTP_IF_UNMODIFIED_SINCE"]) if ifunmodtime and ifunmodtime < last_modified: raise DAVError( HTTP_PRECONDITION_FAILED, "If-Unmodified-Since header condition failed" ) if ifModifiedSinceFailed and not ignoreIfModifiedSince: raise DAVError(HTTP_NOT_MODIFIED, "If-Modified-Since header condition failed") return
reIfSeparator = re.compile(r"(\<([^>]+)\>)|(\(([^\)]+)\))") reIfHeader = re.compile(r"\<([^>]+)\>([^<]+)") reIfTagList = re.compile(r"\(([^)]+)\)") reIfTagListContents = re.compile(r"(\S+)")
[docs] def parse_if_header_dict(environ): """Parse HTTP_IF header into a dictionary and lists, and cache the result. @see """ if "wsgidav.conditions.if" in environ: return if "HTTP_IF" not in environ: environ["wsgidav.conditions.if"] = None environ["wsgidav.ifLockTokenList"] = [] return iftext = environ["HTTP_IF"].strip() if not iftext.startswith("<"): iftext = "<*>" + iftext ifDict = dict([]) ifLockList = [] resource1 = "*" for tmpURLVar, URLVar, _tmpContentVar, contentVar in reIfSeparator.findall(iftext): if tmpURLVar != "": resource1 = URLVar else: listTagContents = [] testflag = True for listitem in reIfTagListContents.findall(contentVar): if listitem.upper() != "NOT": if listitem.startswith("["): listTagContents.append( (testflag, "entity", listitem.strip('"[]')) ) else: listTagContents.append( (testflag, "locktoken", listitem.strip("<>")) ) ifLockList.append(listitem.strip("<>")) testflag = listitem.upper() != "NOT" if resource1 in ifDict: listTag = ifDict[resource1] else: listTag = [] ifDict[resource1] = listTag listTag.append(listTagContents) environ["wsgidav.conditions.if"] = ifDict environ["wsgidav.ifLockTokenList"] = ifLockList _logger.debug(f"parse_if_header_dict\n{pformat(ifDict)}") return
[docs] def test_if_header_dict(dav_res, if_dict, fullurl, locktoken_list, entity_tag): _logger.debug(f"test_if_header_dict({fullurl}, {locktoken_list}, {entity_tag})") if fullurl in if_dict: listTest = if_dict[fullurl] elif "*" in if_dict: listTest = if_dict["*"] else: return True # supportEntityTag = dav.isInfoTypeSupported(path, "etag") supportEntityTag = dav_res.support_etag() for listTestConds in listTest: matchfailed = False for testflag, checkstyle, checkvalue in listTestConds: if checkstyle == "entity" and supportEntityTag: testresult = entity_tag == checkvalue elif checkstyle == "entity": testresult = testflag elif checkstyle == "locktoken": testresult = checkvalue in locktoken_list else: # unknown testresult = True checkresult = testresult == testflag if not checkresult: matchfailed = True break if not matchfailed: return True _logger.debug(" -> FAILED") return False
# test_if_header_dict.__test__ = False # Tell nose to ignore this function # ======================================================================== # guess_mime_type # ======================================================================== _MIME_TYPES = { ".oga": "audio/ogg", ".ogg": "audio/ogg", ".ogv": "video/ogg", ".webm": "video/webm", # ".yml": "application/yaml", ".yaml": "application/yaml", }
[docs] def guess_mime_type(url): """Use the mimetypes module to lookup the type for an extension. This function also adds some extensions required for HTML5 """ (mimetype, _mimeencoding) = mimetypes.guess_type(url) if not mimetype: ext = os.path.splitext(url)[1] mimetype = _MIME_TYPES.get(ext) _logger.debug(f"mimetype({url}): {mimetype}") if not mimetype: mimetype = "application/octet-stream" return mimetype